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Children Adopted from Orphanage, Testing for Resistant Hp

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:26 am
by elizabeth bradley
I have a four year old child that was born and lived in a Vladivostok orphanage for one and 1/2 years. He suffered from a very antibiotic resistant strain of hp. He was treated several times over a two 1/2 year period and we thought we had finally cured this. He did have the endoscopy and this time it appeared to be clear. It has been almost a year since we had the endoscopy however, he still seems to suffer from some of the same symptoms. We have put him back on prevacid to help with stomach pains and he is on a gluten free diet. Should we test him again? I would think we should. I do not think there is a breath test for children. Am I correct in this? I would really love to get to the bottom of this. This poor little guy has been suffering from this -pretty much his whole life. Thank you very much for your help in this matter. Elizabeth Bradley

Re: Children Adopted from Orphanage, Testing for Resistant Hp

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:22 pm
by admin
You need proof of cure with a urea breath test (c13 or c14 are both quite safe) - it depends on whether he can swallow a small C14 capsule or drink the sour c13 test liquid. If not then have a stool antigen test done. Make sure he is not on interfering treatment for 1 week beforehand. After that, an acid blocker (nexium, etc) would be OK to use for a trial. Or Zantac perhaps.
To eradicate Hp on a second try is a little harder, but use high dose PPI (maybe rabeprazole 20 mg bid) with amoxicillin 500 mg tid all for 10 days and add a third drug after about 5 days until day 10; consider norfloxacin 250 mg bid or a dose advised by your doctor (adult dose is 500 mg bid). Discuss the short term usage of norfloxacin with your pediatrician, there are side effects in children but not usually with just 5 days of treatment. If treatment fails then maybe try to settle him with acid blockers and then try again some time in the future when he understands what is going on. [I am not a pediatrician so drug doses mentioned here might not be correct although, in general, a higher dose than normal is required for at least 7 days and 10-14 days is even better].]:roll:

Re: Children Adopted from Orphanage, Testing for Resistant Hp

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 11:31 pm
by elizabeth bradley
Thank you so much! Your information has been so helpful. Betsy Bradley