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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Amid this lockdown, I have started getting nausea and bloating after eating, two weeks ago shared food with my wife

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Re: Amid this lockdown, I have started getting nausea and bloating after eating, two weeks ago shared food with my wife

Post by Myrad56 »

Helico_expert wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:18 am You can switch PPI to H2 blockers like Ranitidine,famotidine ,nizatidine and cimetidine .
They are not like PPI. H2 blockers have short half life in your body. So you can continue to take these H2 blockers until the night before stool/breath test.

gastritis in medical term, means inflammation in the stomach. Everyone infected with H. pylori will have the inflammation.

gastritis to general public, means the gastric symptoms, like reflux, pain, bloating, etc. They are not necessary cause by H. pylori. Some people are just sensitive to certain food. So these people will have to talk to a dietitian or immunologist and see what food they may be allergic to or the body is rejecting.

stomach ulcer normally mean the acid is too high or when the mucous is not enough to hold off the acid, and the stomach wall get burns off. It's like a mouth ulcer, but in the stomach. It can be painful. If the stomach ulcer is close to the artery, then it can become a bleeding ulcer and can be fatal.
Thanks for this wonderful suggestion, it gives a lot of hope !!

Well, I talked to my family doctor on phone and he clearly denied that its H pylori which is causing my pain in fact to my awe he said that ulcers are not caused by bacteria at all and that H Pylori is highly common and even possibly he had it in his stomach as well. He got a bit mad at me for suspecting sharing food with an infected friend responsible for my pains. I think since gastroenterology isn't his expertise and he is just a young GP, in his late 30s, he is a bit naïve. He treats me for absolutely free being a family acquaintance that can also be a reason for his ignorance.

I also have had highly severe diarrhea predominant IBS as well. An urge to rush to toilet and have loose stools right after breakfast and sometimes even after regular meals has been something I have been coping up with for the last 8-9 years.

I have such sever hypersensitivity around my abdomen that all day I have stay without any strings tied on the clothes around my belly and while outside I can't wear anything tight around my belly since there has been some constant sensitivity and discomfort in my abdomen for years.

Gastritis and IBS-D go hand in hand so that can be one more diagnosis for me.

Let's see what happens after my test.
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Re: Amid this lockdown, I have started getting nausea and bloating after eating, two weeks ago shared food with my wife

Post by Helico_expert »

50% of stomach ulcer is caused by H. pylori.
another 50% is caused by NSAIDs, like aspirin, ibuprofen, etc.

if you dont have H. pylori and dont take NSAIDs, it is very hard to get ulcers.

While it is possible to spread H. pylori via sharing food, It is too very rare if you lived in a community where everyone brushes teeth. H. pylori doesnt live in the mouth and can be cleared away with simple teeth brushing.
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Re: Amid this lockdown, I have started getting nausea and bloating after eating, two weeks ago shared food with my wife

Post by Ilda »


I have H Pylori currently treated with antibiotics (amox, clarithromycin and omeprazole 40mg morning and 40 mg at night - little too much, so for 2nd week which is this week, I asked doc to switch to 20mg morning and 20mg omeprazole at night. Hope that doesn’t change my outcome. My symptoms started a month ago and I almost never have experienced acid reflux, burpings or heartburn but all these symptoms started all of the sudden. First day I was feeling full like food was not digested, lots of burpings, nausea, heart palpitations, head pressure, white/dry tounge, some hunger, heartburn feelings that come and go but main symptoms for me even now during treatment is feeling of gas stuck in my throat and esophagus (acid indigestion i assume) for the whole day, feels like food not being digested properly. Most of burps don’t even come out which is very annoying. My question is: is this due to low acid caused by 1. Omeprazole especially taking it in high doses in combination of gases released by bacteria as well or high acid? It’s very confusing. I had these symptoms before I took omeprazole, so Im confused. Also, interesting, I had an endoscopy as soon as these symptoms started last month and GI doctor said nothing shows anything..just acid reflux he said I guess based of my symptoms and said will see if biopsy with show h pylori. Then someone called me and said I had moderate inflammation caused by H pylori. Hmm, I wonder why that didn’t show in the endoscopy. Does that mean i have gastritis then, if so why didn’t it show on endoscopy or some inflammation that is causing me the feeling of food/gas stuck in my throat. The lady said moderate inflammation.

Your help is appreciated.

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Re: Amid this lockdown, I have started getting nausea and bloating after eating, two weeks ago shared food with my wife

Post by Helico_expert »

your symptoms may or may not be caused by H. pylori.
Endoscopy is not a microscope. So it can only see things that naked eye can see. eg. polyps, ulcer, tumor, and other abnormality.
However, if the doctor took a biopsy and did a rapid urease test, he will be able to tell you if you have H. pylori within 15 min.
otherwise, the doctor will have to rely on histology report, where it will tell you the level of inflammation and if the tissue is normal.

most pathologist can tell if there is H. pylori by looking at the type of inflammation. If they want to be sure, they can do a special stain to see H. pylori.

since you already on treatment, just keep it going until you finish all the tablets.
High dose omeprazole is actually better. If your symptoms are not too bad, you should continue high dose for one more week.
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Re: Amid this lockdown, I have started getting nausea and bloating after eating, two weeks ago shared food with my wife

Post by Ilda »

Yes, two days after the Endoscopy which they took biopsy, someone called me and said I have moderate inflammation caused by H Pylori and that's why I am having these symptoms.
Also, I have never had all those symptoms all at once before. They all started within the month. I am not aware of having any other issues or medical history. I also did blood test and came out normal. So, I am thinking they appear to be are related or caused by H Pylori, if not that's weird. I have seen the symptoms I have a lot of other people with H Pylori have them too. For me, burping and the feeling like something is stuck in the esophagus or throat are the main symptoms. Is this normal to have during and maybe after H pylori treatment for a while? I hope it goes away.
Also, should I take all three omperazole, amox and clarithromycin all at the same time or do the omeprazole half or 1 hour before the antibiotics?
Also, for best results should I eat a little/normal like 10 min before or after taking amox and clarithromycin? or empty stomach is better? I don't know if eating them with empty stomach will irritate my stomach even further.

Also, for better results, is it ok to buy or go to the store ex. (target) and get Pepto Bismol and take it at the same time with the antibiotics? How and when should I take that?

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Re: Amid this lockdown, I have started getting nausea and bloating after eating, two weeks ago shared food with my wife

Post by Helico_expert »

When you are young and infected with H. pylori, your healing ability is good and usually you will have no symptoms.
As you get older (or under stress, eg. not eating properly, not enough sleep, too much alcohol and unhealthy food, etc), your healing ability dropped, your wound in the stomach is becoming scar and your symptoms become gradually obvious.
It is better to get rid of H. pylori before the scarring and some symptoms can be permanent.

you can take PPI or antibiotics anytime as long as they are space apart evenly.
For example,
PPI is twice a day. you can take it every 12 hrs
Amox could be 3 times a day. you can take it every 8 hrs.
and so on.
The idea is to keep the dose high in your blood stream. You can take the drugs with or without food.

Pepto Bismol can definitely give your treatment a boost if you can get some.
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