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Still having weird symptoms

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 6:11 pm
by HelicopterPylaros
Hello all,

I am a 39 years old male from Switzerland. My Helicobacter Pylori story started by the end of January 2018. I was feeling bloated and my intestines were very noisy. I was not thinking much about it. I thought, I eaten something that wasn't good and that it would go away. I also had a slight pressure in my chest, but it was not a pain yet and I didn't think much about it.

Well, none of the symptoms away. In February and March I had a lot of flatulence, noisy intestines and burping. By the end of march I had pain in my stomach and I was feeling a pressing pain in my chest. At this moment, I've decided to see a doctor, but as it was not clear to me with what I'm dealing here, I've went first to my family doctor. The doctor prescribed me to take PPI for a week, but it did not help at all. Also I was only able to eat steamed vegetables. If I would eat something like meat, I would have stomach pain and diarrhea within 30 minutes.

My family doctor sent me then to a gastroenterologist. He performed stomach reflection and he saw a light gastritis in my stomach. The sample he took out my stomach showed a helicobacter pylori infection.

Back at my family doctor, I was treated with antibiotics and PPI:
  • 7 days with 1000mg Amoxicillin, 500mg Clarithromycin, Esomeprazol 40mg (morning and evening)
  • 7 days Esomeprazol 40mg (only in the morning)
When I asked my doctor about a test after the treatment, he said this is not necessary. If I don't have any symptoms, then treatment is finished. I really didn't like his answer and I had my doubts, if he is the right doctor to treat me.

A week after the treatment with antibiotics and PPI was finished, I went on holidays. During my holidays I've made a stool test at a labratory (that was almost 3 weeks after the medication was finished). The stool test was luckily negative, but I have my doubts if I didn't test too early.

Even the treatment was officially finished, I still had some symptoms: Pain in my chest and burping. As it was not often, I was taking a Talcid once in a while.

One of my close relatives is a doctor. I've visited him during my holidays in June and he prescribed me to take Lansoprol (Lansoprazol) 30mg once a day for 1.5 months. This 1.5 months were really interesting. I've felt things in my body, I was not aware of. To summarize, the pain in my chest went away and also the burning in stomach I've had once in a while. But in the last 3 weeks of the treatment my intestines were noisy again, but mostly in the evening and also not that loud like in February. Also my stool and flatulence was very smelly (like in February). A few days before I took the last pill, a mild nausea started.

I've taken the last Lansoprazol a little bit more than a week ago. My biggest problem now is, that I feel nausea. I'm more or less okay in the morning, but it comes and goes during the day. My stool is better, but not perfect. Also my intestines are making small noises once in a while.

As the gastroenterologist I've went first does not accept direct patients, I've made an appointment with a different gastroenterologist. The appointment is in September (4 weeks after the last pill) and he will perform a breath test on me.

As mentioned, I'm better now, but the nausea is really annoying. Did anybody had similar nausea symptoms? Somehow I've got the feeling, that Helicobacter Pylori was not completely eridated.

Re: Still having weird symptoms

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 10:54 pm
by Helico_expert
stool test is normally quite accurate. alternatively, you can go for a breath test. But, since you are taking PPI now, you cannot do breath test.

Nevertheless, some people takes slightly longer time to heal after H. pylori treatment.

Re: Still having weird symptoms

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 11:28 pm
by HelicopterPylaros
I'm not taking any medication for a week now and in 3 weeks, that would be 1 month after I stopped with taking the PPI, I will go for a breath test.
Can the nausea related to any side effects of the PPI?

Re: Still having weird symptoms

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 10:03 am
by Helico_expert
yes. you may want to switch PPI. eg. Rabeprazole

Re: Still having weird symptoms

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 3:50 pm
by HelicopterPylaros
Thanks helico_expert.

I will go in 3 weeks to different doctor and he will perform a breath test. He strictly advised me not to take any medication for a month.

The nausea is slightly better. It's unpleasent but standable. I feel it more in the morning when I got up and it gets better till noon.
How long will it take until the side effects of the PPI are gone? I am not taking any PPI already for more than a week.

Re: Still having weird symptoms

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 4:27 pm
by Helico_expert
The "life" of PPI in the body varies from people to people. Some people metabolise it faster than other people. That's why some PPI only works for certain individual. There are a wide range of PPI out there and they all work the same. However, here is a guideline on how to do breath test. it applies to stool test too.

as you can see, ranitidine only need to stop overnight. So if you really need some acid suppressant, you can consider ranitidine. it's fast acting but short life-span in the body.

Re: Still having weird symptoms

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 4:40 pm
by museaddict
Hi HelicopterPylaros,
I am almost in the same situation as yours but I think my situation is the worst because I never made a test for H.pylori yet
Here is my story:
I went to the gastroenterologist in the end of April because I was very sick (nausea all the time,weakness all the days,deep pain in the stomach like something was eating you inside that's difficult to describe and a lot of other symptoms like constipation or growling in my stomach all the time)
So the gastroenterologist had made me an endoscopy who showed Antral Gastritis and Prepyloric Ulcer and then he said to me this is not serious you have just a small ulcer so he gave me a treatment:
2 x 500mg Clamoxyl twice a day for 10 days
1 x 500mg Zeclar twice a day for 10 days
1 x 500mg Flagyl twice a day for 10 days
1 x 40mg PPI twice a day for 10 days then once a day for 30 days
After finishing my antibiotics treatment I felt much better but not totally recovered I' still have a little weakness and nausea and sometimes I feel cramps in my stomach so I continued taking my PPI by myself I thought maybe I still have to take the ppi until I heal completely so I continued taking them for 2 more months and my situation became very strange some days I feel very good and some days I feel like I have returned to the beginning (nausea,stomach crampes,weakness...)
The problem is I don't know if I'm still infected with H.pylori or not I don't made any kind of test and the doctor did not tell me to do anything he gave me the medication and that's all.
I'm confused because my symptoms are turning back slowly and I don't know what should I do ?
for the moment I stopped taking the ppi I will wait for 15 days and then I will return to the doctor to claim a test for H.pylori
but sincerely I don't think If I'm still infected because I had a strong therapy I think

Re: Still having weird symptoms

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 10:59 pm
by HelicopterPylaros
Hi Helico_Expert,
Helico_expert wrote: Thu Aug 16, 2018 4:27 pm The "life" of PPI in the body varies from people to people. Some people metabolise it faster than other people. That's why some PPI only works for certain individual. There are a wide range of PPI out there and they all work the same. However, here is a guideline on how to do breath test. it applies to stool test too.

as you can see, ranitidine only need to stop overnight. So if you really need some acid suppressant, you can consider ranitidine. it's fast acting but short life-span in the body.

Luckily, the acid in my stomach seems to be fine so far. At least I don't have any burning or pain. I hope, that the nausea will also go away.

One last question: The doctor told me, I should not drink or eat anything before the test. Not eating for 12 hours is easy, but how many hours before the test shouldn't I drink water?

Re: Still having weird symptoms

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 11:12 pm
by HelicopterPylaros
Hi museaddict,
museaddict wrote: Thu Aug 16, 2018 4:40 pm I went to the gastroenterologist in the end of April because I was very sick (nausea all the time,weakness all the days,deep pain in the stomach like something was eating you inside that's difficult to describe and a lot of other symptoms like constipation or growling in my stomach all the time)
So the gastroenterologist had made me an endoscopy who showed Antral Gastritis and Prepyloric Ulcer and then he said to me this is not serious you have just a small ulcer so he gave me a treatment:
2 x 500mg Clamoxyl twice a day for 10 days
1 x 500mg Zeclar twice a day for 10 days
1 x 500mg Flagyl twice a day for 10 days
1 x 40mg PPI twice a day for 10 days then once a day for 30 days
After finishing my antibiotics treatment I felt much better but not totally recovered I' still have a little weakness and nausea and sometimes I feel cramps in my stomach so I continued taking my PPI by myself I thought maybe I still have to take the ppi until I heal completely so I continued taking them for 2 more months and my situation became very strange some days I feel very good and some days I feel like I have returned to the beginning (nausea,stomach crampes,weakness...)
The problem is I don't know if I'm still infected with H.pylori or not I don't made any kind of test and the doctor did not tell me to do anything he gave me the medication and that's all.
I'm confused because my symptoms are turning back slowly and I don't know what should I do ?
for the moment I stopped taking the ppi I will wait for 15 days and then I will return to the doctor to claim a test for H.pylori
but sincerely I don't think If I'm still infected because I had a strong therapy I think
I'm surprised that he prescribed you antibiotics, but did not take any sample out of your stomach for testing. I hope that you do the HP test in 15 days. Keep us updated.

Re: Still having weird symptoms

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 9:49 pm
by HelicopterPylaros

I wanted to give a short update:

The good news is, that the nausea got better. When I waken up in the morning, I still feel a little bit nausea, but it standable. It goes away after a few hours. Also I have now a clear head again. I felt last week like having a hangover and I was not able to think straight. I had also slightly swallen legs (probably side effects of the PPI), but these symptoms are getting less and less.

Besides the nausea in the morning, I also have issues with my stool. It's still light brown and it's not having the regular dark brown color. The consistency seems to be good, but I'm worried about my stool.

In 3 weeks I will do the breath test.