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Re: nausea and fatigue

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 5:33 pm
by vaishak123
sameer1144 wrote: Tue Nov 19, 2013 4:26 pm Hello everyone,
Iam Sameer. I was detected H.pylori positive 2 years ago. Plus my B12 was low as hell.Normal should be say between 500-1000(something-don’t know the term) mine was 94..yes just 94. Don’t know for how long it was and hopw much damage it had done to my nervous system since I was also had the feeling of fainting(though I never fainted). Anywa when B12 reports came I was horrified and doctors were worried.
They put me on antibiotics for H.pylori and B12 shots for B12 deficiency.
I started the antibiotics course thinking I would be healed after completing the course..but I did not. I mean I check again if the eradication was successful and I did get H.pylori negative.I was somewhat relieved. But I was not well at all. I fealt like I was dying. Lost my weight A LOT.
Side by side I was taking the shots doctors increased my B12 shot ‘gap’ by say once per month.
I was feeling a lot of anxiety and weekness..I mean all the symptoms which a B12 deficient patient feels.
But after taking the shots my anxiety went down somehow… and doctors then put me on B12 tablets instead of B12 injections.
But my anxiety did not go completely..dont know why. I checked my B12 level and it was good. Say around 850. But I was feeling like hell.Couldnt eat spicy…greasy…oily…no non veg no egg yellow nothing. Very very very strict diet. Life was hell…all flavours from life went off. Just one remained …. ‘BOILED’ food..thats it.
I used to go to the doctor and complaint about my condition and he used to say me alls in my head…well I was annoyed everytime I went for him for my shit condition and he used to say alls in my head… I changed many doctors all said all was in my head.Some laughed it of and told me to continue my PPI. My IBS was all flared up. Had to watch out whatever I eat. Antibiotics destroyed my digestion.
Well to cut the story short meanwhile I got transfer letter from my job front for 4 months. There I met an doctor army officer were I was posted because of my job and as we discussed and talked we became friends. He saw the hell Iam going through. Well he gave me some paste or say mixture of herbs which was kind of sweet and pungent and told me to have one teaspoon everyday after each meal. For 3 months I did that everyday thinking theres nothing to loose and life cant be bad than this so I just took it blindly and well Iam i think first one here to tell that Iam totally healed after h.pylori. I can eat spicy stuff fatty stuff everything.No binding...nothing. I mean even I didnt knew when I started to eat and feel normal. I mean Iam my old self now. I just cant believe.I thought to tell you people that we can get before. If you wanna know further and more contact me on my email sameeranuj2(at) Iam always available and open to help you my friends.I know how this shit bug does to our system. Even I was very hopeless and had accepted to live my life like that.Many times I used to cry a lot. I used to fell theres no way out from here. But this paste the army doctor gave me has changed my IBS no pain...No nausea.. No burning nothing but offcourse it took me 3 months to achieve complete recovery. I after so many years ate tomato sauce with chicken burger few days ago and Iam alright. Iam so happy that its over.
Any of you guys want to know more or want help or wanna get alright let me know. I will be more than happy to help you guys,
its not mastic gum nor manuka honey. Its Ayurvedic Medicine one of the many ingredients it has is broccoli…which has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory response.Its absolutely safe. Iam not taking it now because by Gods grace Iam alright.
Sir pls help me I tried to contact you but reply from gmail is address not found
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