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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Eradication and biopsy results with chronic gastritis

The various unpleasant manifestations of Helicobacter can be described here. Remember however that the great majority of persons with Hp have no symptoms that they are aware of and consider themselves normal.

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Eradication and biopsy results with chronic gastritis

Post by AlSi79 »


I was diagnosed with H.pylori in March and was treated with triple therapy.

3 weeks after the eradication had finished my doctor did an endoscopy. The results from endoscopy biopsies was:

Duodenum: no changes

Antrum: mild chronic gastritis, activity: inactive, intestinal metaplasia: none, atrophy: none

Corpus: mild chronic gastritis, activity: inactive, intestinal metaplasia: none, atrophy: none

"Mild superficial chronic gastritis in antrum and corpus. No more evidence from H.pylori. No atrophy."

I was so happy that there was no atrophy found so that I forgot to ask the doctor that will the chronic gastritis heal after treating the H.pylori or will my stomach remain chronically inflamed for the rest of my life? What does this mild inactive chronic gastritis even mean? Also, does anyone know can this chronic gastritis still progress to atrophy or intestinal mataplasia even is H.pylori treatment has been successful?

I will still be controlled for the H.pylori 2-3 months after the treatment even though there was no bacteria found in the biopsy anymore.

Has anyone talked to a doctor about the chronic gastritis and its progression after the treatment?

Thank you so much!
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Re: Eradication and biopsy results with chronic gastritis

Post by AlSi79 »

Sorry - not interested in any "special nutritions".

I would really appreceiate if someone with knowledge of chronic gastritis revealed in endoscopy after the treatment of H.pylori, could provide me with some answers. If there was no atrophy or IM in biopsies taken, only mild chronic gastritis, can it still progress to atrophy etc. more serious after the eradication of the H.pylori? How worried I need to be?

Greetings from Finland!
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Re: Eradication and biopsy results with chronic gastritis

Post by Helico_expert »

sorry. that was a spam that you replied. I have deleted the nonsense and banned the user.

inactive chronic gastritis means there is still some inflammation cells. but they are "retreating". it's a sign of "end of battle". the stomach is gradually healing. So it's a good sign.

it's very unlikely that the stomach will continue deteriorate without the presence of H. pylori. of course, unless you have inherited a defect gene from your parents. If you dont know anyone in your family that has gastric cancer, your chance of getting one is very very low.

Nevertheless, diet such as high salt food is linked strongly to gastric cancer too.
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Re: Eradication and biopsy results with chronic gastritis

Post by michaeljonson »

Chronic gastritis causes inflammation of the inner lining of stomach. Don’t worry you can get rid of the symptoms if you seek proper treatment.
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Re: Eradication and biopsy results with chronic gastritis

Post by AlSi79 »

Thank you so much for the answer!

Just one clarification (sorry, English is not my mother tongue):

So unless I have an inhereted gene (do you mean autoimmune atrophy?), my stomach should not get worse after the H.pylori is gone? Will the "mild superficial chronic gastritis" ever go away?

No-one in my immediate family has had stomach cancer. My doctor also tested my B12 -TC2 level (active B12 vitamin) which was normal level.

Thank you so much for understanding and answering my questions!


Your Scandinavian friend :)
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Re: Eradication and biopsy results with chronic gastritis

Post by Helico_expert »

yes, the chronic inflammation will eventually subside.

nothing to worry about. even you have the cancer gene, you'll just need an annual check up.
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Re: Eradication and biopsy results with chronic gastritis

Post by AlSi79 »

nothing to worry about. even you have the cancer gene, you'll just need an annual check up.[/quote]

What do you mean by cancer gene, autoimmune desease or something else??? How do I know do I have it or not? No stomach cancers in my immediate family (parents, grandparents) as far as I know...

I am really worried does something in my biopsy tests tell that I could have the gene? :?
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Re: Eradication and biopsy results with chronic gastritis

Post by AlSi79 »

Sorry for all the questions!

I also realized that I was treated with Erythromycin that belongs to the same group as Clarithromycin (Macrolides) in 2009 when I was pregnant and I became so sick that the doctor needed to change the antibiotics so I stopped taking the Erythromycin. Does this mean that I am most probably ressistant to any antibiotics belonging to Marcrolides?

Since I was treated with Lansoprazole 30 mg x 2/day, Clarithromycin 500 mg x 2/day and Amoxicillin 1 g x 2/day for 7 days - does it indicate that my treatment will probably be unsuccessful since I needed to stop taking the Erythromycin (Macrolide antibiotics) in 2009? Haven´t taken any macrolide antibiotics since then until now when I was treated with triple therapy. The overall ressistance to Clarithtomycin in Finland is still pretty low ~ 4 % according to this study:

I am so scared that I need to start everything from the beginning...
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Re: Eradication and biopsy results with chronic gastritis

Post by Helico_expert »

worry and scare wont make you better. instead, it'll only make it worse. we have seen many people get so stress about it and the negative energy just deteriorate the stomach health and drain the life out.

So, please be positive.

if you dont know anyone in your family that has stomach cancer, you are most likely free of gastric cancer gene.

also, gastric cancer take years to develop. You can always get an endoscopy done and if it is clear, there is very little to worry about.

in regards to Macrolides, yes, you may have a clarithromycin resistant strain. But, just finish the treatment and see how it goes. You may be lucky. if the treatment failed, there is always Plan B and C and D.

Please stay positive.
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Re: Eradication and biopsy results with chronic gastritis

Post by AlSi79 »

Thank you so much for your kind words! The reason why I am so depressed is that I got quite bad side effect from my first treatment so I am scared that if I need the second treatment what will that bring with it...

I did the first treatment in March, 3 week prior to endoscopy so I guess not finding active inflammation nor H.pylori could be false negative? My initial diagnosis before the first treatment was made with breath test and serology - both positive.

I took my last PPI yeasterday so does it mean that I can take the breath test two weeks from yesterday (May 3rd) or two weeks from today when I am off the meds (May 4th)?

And the question about the second treatment. In Finland the current treatment recommendation for the second treatment is: Lansoprazole 30 mg x 2/day + Amoxicillin 1g x 2/day + levofloxacin 500mg x1/day for 10 days. In Finland metronidazole resistance in H. pylori is at a high level (~40%) , however levofloxacin and clarithromycin resistances are still at a reasonable level. Does this second treatment recommendation sound any good if I am indeed ressistant to clarithromycin?

Thank you for your support - at the moment I am very sad and afraid but I will try to stay positive.
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