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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5


There are several types of tests for H.pylori. The major ones have a their own forum.

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Joined: Wed Aug 21, 2013 2:40 pm


Post by Raj567890 »

Dear Helico_expert
While continually searching for developments across the globe to successfully treat H pylori infection, I recently ran into the following article of Dr Alessandro Federico MD from the university of Naples in Italy. This gastroeneterologist and his colleagues are favoring a 5-day concomitant ( simultaneous, parallel) treatment ( regimen) to effectively eradicate HP infection and they found stunning success of this regimen which consists of esomeprazole 40 mg twice daily, amoxicillin 1g twice daily, levofloxacin 500 mg twice daily, and tinidazole 500 mg twice daily for 5 days. here below my post is an excerpt of their article.
could I pls request you to let me have your opinion on this please :)
They are recommending almost the same regimen as you guys are on except that you guys favor a SEQUENTIAL regimen while these guys are recommending a SIMULTANEOUS ( concomitant) regimen. If I ever take their therapy I would make sure I have the regimen for at least seven days. Can I have your views on their recommendation pls helico_expert? Many many thanks in advance ! :)
"June 3, 2012 — A 5-day levofloxacin-containing concomitant regimen effectively eradicates Helicobacter pylori infection as effectively as a 10-day sequential regimen, according to the findings of a prospective, randomized controlled trial.
Alessandro Federico, MD, from the Second University of Naples in Italy, and colleagues reported their findings in an article published online April 5 and in the July issue of Gastroenterology.
The authors note that resistance has limited the efficacy of many regimens currently used to treat H pylori infection. "Although H pylori is susceptible to a number of antimicrobials, H pylori infection has proven challenging to cure because the prevalence of bacterial strains resistant to the most commonly used antimicrobials, in particular clarithromycin...increases," the authors write.
"As a result, currently recommended first-line therapies both in the United States and Europe achieve a 75%-80% eradication rate, which is not acceptable."
The authors compared the efficacy of 5-day simultaneous therapy (esomeprazole 40 mg twice daily, amoxicillin 1g twice daily, levofloxacin 500 mg twice daily, and tinidazole 500 mg twice daily for 5 days) to that of 10-day sequential therapy (esomeprazole 40 mg twice daily and amoxicillin 1 g twice daily for 5 days followed by esomeprazole 40 mg twice daily, levofloxacin 500 mg twice daily, and tinidazole 500 mg twice daily for 5 days) in a group of 180 patients (n = 90 each group). In the intention-to-treat analysis, the 5-day regimen achieved a similar eradication rate as the 10-day regimen (5-day: 83/90 patients [92.2%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 84.0% - 95.8%]; 10-day: 84/90 patients [93.3%; 95% CI, 86.9% - 97.3%; P = .774).
The authors included patients at least 18 years of age who had confirmed H pylori infection (according to 13C urea breath test positivity or both the rapid urease test and histology in patients who underwent endoscopy) and who had never received eradication treatment. The exclusion criteria included previous treatment for H pylori infection, previous use of acid secretion inhibitors and/or antibiotics in the 6 weeks before the study, and gastrointestinal malignancy."
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Post by Helico_expert »

PPI + Amox + Metronidazole = standard triple therapy.

so their regimen increased the dosage of PPI and Amox, switch metronidazole to tinidazole (which these two drugs are from the same family), and added levofloxacin (a newer version of ciprofloxacin).

among the resistance cases, 60% are resistance to metronidazole in western australia. Since tinidazole is the same family of metronidazole, i would expect the same resistant rate.

so adding an additional antibiotic, such as levofloxacin, increase the cure rate? i believe that's the case. however, if your country has high resistance rate to quinolones (such as levoflox and ciproflox), then this regimen will have less improvement.

in our treatment, we uses ciproflox because of the cheaper price and levoflox is not available in Australia.

we uses sequential regimen because we would like to reduce the side effect of the antibiotics and hopefully patients are more likely to complete the course. in addition, if the bug is resistant to the antibiotics, it doesnt matter how many days you take the antibiotics, they will not be killed.

if price difference between 5, 7 and 10 days is not an issue, i would go for the longer treatment plan to make sure the bug is truly eradicated. of course, the long treatment period also increase risk of C. difficile colitis.

so which treatment you should take? my opinion is:
if you have tried many regimen and failed all the time, you should try our regimen which i think is stronger (probably also give you more adverse side effects).
if you have not tried any other regimen, you probably want to try the 5 day levoflox regimen.
Posts: 9
Joined: Wed Aug 21, 2013 2:40 pm


Post by Raj567890 »

Thank you helico_expert for your prompt and diligent advice. I sincerely appreciate it. :)
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