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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Helicobacter aftermath

The cure of Hp usually requires antibiotics. Other things have been tried and have a weaker effect.

Moderator: barjammar

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Re: Helicobacter aftermath

Post by barjammar »

(for Lennytan):
If stomach is sore, take some extra acid blocker (PPI, nexium etc.) but try to press on with the medicine course. It atkes 7 days to reach a good cure rate. Call and talk to your doctor. If you stop treatment early, you could be left with a resistant bug which will be harder to treat next time. :mrgreen:
Check the link below for information on hard-to-treat cases. Then search the forums for questions and answers similar to yours.
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Re: Helicobacter aftermath

Post by lennytan »

Hi barjammar,

Thank you for the reply, i have already finished the triple therapy just this weekend and i am still feeling some sharp pains in my right upper abdomen and sometimes at the back or at the right side of the ribs when i am hungry, after eating a heavy meal the pain is gone but it comes back again from time to time.
the doctor advised me to continue taking omeprazole 40mg(ppi) for 2 more weeks and see what happens, but until now i am still feeling the pain in my right upper abdomen and back time to this normal? :(

Is it expected that the abdominal pains should be gone after finishing the triple therapy.

The triple therapy that i had was:
Amoxicillin 500mg 3 times a day
Clarythromycin 500mg 2 times a day
Omeprazole 40mg once a day
Motilium 3 times a day 30 minutes before meal
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Re: Helicobacter aftermath

Post by barjammar »

Symptoms can persist for a while. Just carry on until you have the follow-up test. Take whatever is required to settle your stomach (except things which inhibit the Hp) until you have had the urea breath test one month later. Gastritis takes a while to heal and sometimes a few symptoms remain. Nothing else you can do just now. 8-)
Check the link below for information on hard-to-treat cases. Then search the forums for questions and answers similar to yours.
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Re: Helicobacter aftermath

Post by lennytan »

Hi barjammar, thank you for all the advices, you really helped me a lot :), anyway the doctor told me that they don't have the urea breath test and what he will do is to perform another endoscopy and perform a biopsy if I still have Hp after 3 weeks (this was the method he used to identify that I have Hp).

Would this method (endoscopy biopsy) be accurate enough as the urea breath test? I heard that blood test would provide a false result.
So far so good, the pain is less compared to before. But is it always like this that I will experience an attack pain in my right upper abdomen and back if I do not eat on time? I am now eating meals 6 times a day to minimize the pain.

Also what are the things that will inhibit the Hp?
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Re: Helicobacter aftermath

Post by barjammar »

Lots of questions!! Your doctor seems very knowledgeable so follow his/her advice. Time to do your own research on the questions. :shock:
Check the link below for information on hard-to-treat cases. Then search the forums for questions and answers similar to yours.
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Re: Helicobacter aftermath

Post by rjviney »

Thank you all post ers and site manager. I was treated for hp 2 months ago and have been experiencing acid stomachs bloating and irregular bowl and digestive processes. My stomach is so distended at the end of the day I don't feel like eating at all. I did 7 days on somac and this seemed to help. I will endeavor to do a month on it. I have simplified my diet and am taking acidophilus daily, I was considering slippery elm but if I can take the somac safely for a month then I guess no need. I plan to eat just rice for a few days and slowly add foods and gauge my bodies response to them. Alcohol is out, it burns my stomach up and spicy food not so good either. I was given the all clear for HP.
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Re: Helicobacter aftermath

Post by catchbull »

I have a family friend - male aged about 50 who has a duodenal ulcer that defies treatment and cure, despite using the triple therapy.

I note that he also takes Warfarin for blood clot prevention.

He assures me he has taken all medical steps to solve the problem and I wonder if you would have any suggestions to assist this person.

I am aware that there is a recent entry to compete with Warfarin. I have read that anti-inflammatary drugs such as aspirin can affect the efficacy of the triple therapy treatment. I see a similarity beween Aspirin and Warfarin.

Any comments would be much appreciated~!
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Re: Helicobacter aftermath

Post by bonnie »

Hi Everyone,
I was diagnosed with HP infection early May 2011 through endoscopy. I took two weeks treatment of Prevpack ( triple therapy ). I finished my treatment May 19th and continue with 15 mg Prevacid daily to relieve my occasional heart burn and stopped June 20th 2011. I got a lot better with my stomach pain and burp compared to the days before my treatment, but not 100% well. I take small frequent meals in that way I am doing OK.

About 10 days after I stopped my two-week treatment, but still on 15 mg Prevacid, I started to have lower abdominal, waist area discomfort/pain, come and go,sometimes on my lower back or rib area, sometimes on the lower left ab. I constantly want to go to bathroom and have bowel movement and in fact just pass some gas there. The discomfort makes me feel so miserable. by the way my actual bowel movement is about 3 times a day.

Before my triple treatment, I just had very bad stomach pain and burped a lot, but I did not have the ab discomfort and the bloating, now after the treatment my symptoms changed to be lower ab.

I went to see my GI doctor. He wanted me to change my diet to be without milk, cabbage, beans and brocoli and take Gas Ex. I followed his instruction religiously for my diet and took Gas Ex. It has been 10 days,but still not getting better.
I have scheduled to do my breath test in mid July to see if the bacteria has been got rid of or not.
I am going to see my GI next week. I want him to do a colonoscopy for me and abdominal ultrasound to see if there are something seriously wrong.

I want to know if there are someone who has experienced similar symptoms like mine after HP infection treatment. Is it possible that Prevacid or antibiotics caused this?

'll appreciate it if someone can let me know the answer.
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Re: Helicobacter aftermath

Post by lennytan »

Hi, After 27 days of my last triple therapy, I had stool test to recheck if I still have H. Pylori, and the result was negative.
Is this enough to say that I am now free from the bacteria? or should I retest on the 28th day onwards to have an accurate results?
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Re: Helicobacter aftermath

Post by Helico_expert »

According to this paper

assuming you did the same stool test, it should have the same sensitivity as the urea breath test.

perhaps you can monitor your own gastric health for a few months and repeat either breath test or stool test.
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