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Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
The 5th Chinese Helicobacter treatment consensus
How long should I wait before doing follow up breath/stool test?

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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

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New to site long time sufferer

Post by maryjane »

Hi all

Glad to have found the forum, iam in scotland & iam a 49yrs young female working as a nurse which may or may not be relevant but iam trying to think where on earth I could have been infected

My problems started or rather got noticeably worse last summer, but in hindsight I may have had this Hp for longer, now that I have had a stool sample and I have been diagnosed positive for Hp. & yesterday my doc prescribed me metronidazole 400mg & clarithromycin 250mg aside from that I have been taking omeprazole for 5 months...i will explain the omeprazole further down this post.

Three years ago I had a small op to remove a non malignant lump behind my shoulder, unfortunately the wound burst open and I had staphylococcus aurus in the wound and it was a real mess and had to be dressed and cleaned every day for 4 months , I was really poorly lost a lot off weight, palpitations etc.
Eventually this healed up but since then my health seems to have deteriorated not sure if it is a coincidence or not but was always taking some kind off infection which had to be treated with antibiotics ie : constant sinus infections, chest infections & generally just feeling unwell lethargic depressed & other wee things like nausea, headaches,dizziness,off balance.

Then the 'fun' started with the mucus overload! And I resorted to the nasel rinses, inhaling steam etc
The mucos was stuck in my throat and I was gagging all the time trying to get it out, when it did come out it was thick and clear, referred to ENT and they put a tube down through my nostril to look at my oesophagus ( is that correct ? ) anyway ENT doc told me I had acid reflux and it was burning my oesophagus and would have to take omeprazole twice a day, not to eat spicy food, chocolate or tomatoes & to raise my bed at the top so that acid would not come up
I also had pain in my stomach as soon as I ate a spoonful of food.

I thought that the above had been caused by taking anti inflammatory because off joint pain ( which I never had until the staph infection ) I thought maybee the anti inflamotorys started all off this but now iam not sure.
Iam still having trouble with the mucos overload but what eventually sent me to the docs last week was the feeling drained all the time, stomach swelling up as soon as I ate and the lethargy I was crying because I was having to virtualy drag my self to work and was getting out off breath easily.

Sorry about the long post but wanted to give some background on things incase anybody can see a conection.
This is my second day on antibiotics and I dont feel well at all but I was feeling sick anyway before I took them so iam keeping my fingers crossed that this will put an end to things because I really have came to the end off my tether especially with the mucos carry on which is stuck like a lump in my throat constantly, would Hp cause all this mucos ?

Thank you for reading and iam looking forward to reading the pages
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Re: New to site long time sufferer

Post by Helico_expert »

Thank you for sharing your story. I am sorry for what happened to your health.

anyway, I dont believe H. pylori is the cause of your mucous.

we shall wait till you complete your antibiotic treatment, wait for a month, do another breath test and see if your H pylori is removed. if H pylori still present, we start discussion from there.
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Re: New to site long time sufferer

Post by maryjane »

Thank you for your reply, it was a stool sample that diagnosed Hp
i will post again once i have had another test

many thanks
Posts: 24
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Re: New to site long time sufferer

Post by HPgirl »

Hi maryjane,
I read your post and wondered if you might have anemia related to h pylori? If you haven't had your ferritin tested you may want to check that. Shortness of breath and fatigue can be symptoms of low iron. When the stomach is so inflammed, it is difficult for iron to be absorbed (as well as other benefits/vitamins/minerals of a good diet). If this is the case, iron injections can be done for a short period. B12 is another deficiency that can really throw your system off. If you are doing bloodwork, you might want to ask your doctor to do this one too. You can take B12 sublingually and bypass the stomach.
I know this in detail because this has been my personal struggle. Initially my doctor didn't think that there was a link between low iron (ferritin) and h pylori but then found some recent articles that show that there is a link.
Hope that helps.
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