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Does any one know the reinfection rates?

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:27 am
by luci2010
it would be interesting to know how often people get RE-infected with HP. Meaning, one was tested positive for HP, had a successful eradication therapy, re-tested and result came back negative, but after a certain amount of time, re-tested due to reocurrence of symptoms and the result is positive.

I'm asking that because I've been reading about a lot of people who face this problem. Do people build resistance to HP once it's eradicated? Is this resistance enough to prevent a new infection? OR is the infection strain dependent? Meaning, I'm now immune to a HP strain, but not to another HP strain?


Re: Does any one know the reinfection rates?

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 11:33 pm
by barjammar
Complicated question but answer is simple.
Once Hp is cured you do not usually catch it back (1-2% p.a.). But you are not immune and it is possible to aquire it again if the water in your area is contaminated or perhaps if your partner has Hp. In Peru I recall that 15% of people catch Hp again in one year. This could be dirty water or infected partners since most people in Peru have it.
You are a little immune to your own strain and a little immune to other strains but Hp is cunning and the immune system does not work very well in the stomach. :evil:

Re: Does any one know the reinfection rates?

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 7:43 pm
by Rex
yes i am agree with your comments friend, one time when you completely cure from HP, then 1 to 5 % chance to get reinfected again. so do not worry about it .Here very rare example if someone reinfected from it.

Re: Does any one know the reinfection rates?

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 8:06 am
by tarynbrook
Hello, I had it a year ago and was treated and tested and told to be clear. My symptoms of chest pain/pressure, stomach distention and changes in bowel movements returned recently. My doctor is running stool tests, bloodwork and ordered a BE and KUB. She also ordered labs for my husband and children as she thinks I may have been reinfected from one of them. I'm so upset, I really felt so much better after the treatment was over last year and I felt "normal" again. I didn't expect to get it again and I'm so frustrated that I have to wait for all the tests and labs to know for sure if that's what it is and to start the treatment over:( It is so difficult to work, raise children, act happy etc when it feels as if there is an elephant inside your chest... but I'm glad to find this forum and read some helpful advice!

Re: Does any one know the reinfection rates? YES

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:53 am
by barjammar
Yes we do know reinfection rates, but reinfection is uncommon (1.5% per annum). If reinfection does occur, the source is usually another family member. Your doctor is on the ball. However, if you did not have a breath test after the first treatment, maybe it actually was never eradicated in the first place. That is a much more common thing than reinfection.