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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

What is correct method of testing for active h.pylori infection ? RUT, Histology, UBT or Stool test ?

There are several types of tests for H.pylori. The major ones have a their own forum.

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What is correct method of testing for active h.pylori infection ? RUT, Histology, UBT or Stool test ?

Post by chetanvenki »

Hi Helico

I was tested RUT positive but had burning sensation in lower abdomen, not upper abdomen, but still my GI prescribed antibiotics which I have failed 3 therapies with UBT Positive and just completed 4th one.

I also had histology done by another GI but report just mentioned Mild Gastritis without any other abnormalities and no mention of presence of h.pylori or infection because of h.pylori. Now I have doubt whether I was wrongly diagnosed for h.pylori infection in the initial stage.

I have few questions

1. RUT Positive mean presence of active h.pylori infection or just h.pylori bacteria? because in India almost 80-90% of population has h.pylori, if RUT is tested everybody will be positive. And because chance is there that RUT is positive and symptoms in stomach could be because of any cause other than h.pylori ?

2. Whether I was wrongly diagnosed for h.pylori infection initially? What is the correct method to test active h.pylori infection?

3. UBT positive mean active infection?

4. Stool test is better diagnostic test for active h.pylori infection ?

5. My histology did not mention anything about h.pylori presence or infection because of h.pylori, it just mentioned mild gastritis and no IM or other abnormalities. Does this mean histology not done according to methods which should be used to test h.pylori stains? Should I get histology done again with correct method to find if I have active h.pylori infection?

6. What do you mean by active h.pylori infection ? presence of h.pylori in infected/inflammation area ?

Thanks in advance for your noble service.

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Re: What is correct method of testing for active h.pylori infection ? RUT, Histology, UBT or Stool test ?

Post by Helico_expert »

RUT positive means presence of H. pylori.

presence of H. pylori doesnt mean you must have symptoms. Many people carry H. pylori without symptoms.
No symptoms doesnt meant safe. Gastric cancer patients have no symptoms too).

UBT positive means presence of H. pylori.

Stool test is as accurate as UBT.

Histology can tell presence of H. pylori by doing immuno stain. Not every pathologist do that extra stain, if H. pylori is proven present by other method.

active gastritis means the immune cells are seen active dividing and invading the cells.

non-active gastritis means the immune cells are retreating, a sign of recovering.

pathologist can predict the presence of H. pylori by seeing active gastritis.

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