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Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
The 5th Chinese Helicobacter treatment consensus
How long should I wait before doing follow up breath/stool test?

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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Positive when Negative

There are several types of tests for H.pylori. The major ones have a their own forum.

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Positive when Negative

Post by kcmarti82 »

Hello. I was diagnosed with a gastric ulcer a couple of weeks ago via endoscopy which my doctor said did not look concerning by endoscope. I return this week to get results from biopsy.

Three years ago I had a positive serum H Pylori blood test, that was done for an unrelated matter (c-diff infection). I was not treated at that time for H Pylori but I did complete a 14 course of Flagyl for a C-Diff infection two weeks after the positive blood test was received.

Fast forward three years to now, I have had stomach pain for five months. Because of my ongoing stomach pain and my previous positive blood h pylori test, I was tested twice by breath for h pylori and both tests were negative. I was not taking PPI's nor had I taken an antibiotic for three years when breath test was given. The only medication I have taken for years is Tylenol (when needed) and Zantac. I was taking Zantac but had stopped taking it 2 days before each test was administered. I am now taking strong dose of PPI for about 11 days and still have pain.

How likely could the h pylori test via biopsy could be positive even though both breath tests were negative? I am almost afraid not to h pylori since the PPi's to this point haven't healed my gastric ulcer. I'm tired of being in pain and the worry it causes.

Thank you for your time. - Charlotte

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Re: Positive when Negative

Post by Helico_expert »

breath test is quite accurate. knowing that you had two negatives on UBT, i am guessing your biopsy will be negative for H. pylori too. Your H. pylori is probably killed during your C-diff treatment (very lucky).

Nevertheless, it is worth waiting for the biopsy result. UBT may be accurate, but the technician operating the machine may not be well trained.

anyway, have you been taking any NSAIDs? eg, aspirin, ibuprofen, etc... it is known that these painkillers (or anti-inflammatory) will cause stomach ulcers.

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Re: Positive when Negative

Post by kcmarti82 »

I have not used aspirin or any other meds associated with ulcers. The only medications I use is Tylenol and Zantac when needed. Which is why I was hoping for positive hpylori as there is no known cause for my ulcer. Hopefully I will learn more tomorrow at my follow up appointment.

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Re: Positive when Negative

Post by Helico_expert »

very odd indeed. hopefully your health report can tell us something.

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