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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Breath test 270 DPM - truly positive?

There are several types of tests for H.pylori. The major ones have a their own forum.

Moderator: barjammar

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Breath test 270 DPM - truly positive?

Post by Aragorn »

Hello all, first post here.

Is the Breath test results of 270 DPM considered truly positive? I'm taking strong probiotics for past 4 months. Can probiotics affect breath test results??? Should I have it re-tested via breath or stool test?

Basing on this breath test result I was supposed to start Quadruple therapy. I've never had antibiotics treatment from H. Pilory before. I know I had the infection as far back as 6 years ago but I have been refusing antibiotics. Tried many "alternative" treatments, including strong probiotics. My symptoms are not stomach related at all. All I have if extreme, unbearable fatigue. I've seen around 15 doctors for fatigue issue, including endocrinologists, but haven't found the reason... or have not responded to any treatment.....

So trying to kill H. Pilory is one of my very last resorts.

Hopefully Helico_expert can reply...

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Re: Breath test 270 DPM - truly positive?

Post by Helico_expert »

every laboratory have their own guideline of what is positive. in our laboratory, 270 is low grade positive. our average for true positive is about 2000 DPM. 50-200 is borderline positive.

if you think you have little exposure to antibiotics, why not try the mildest standard therapy? PPI + amoxicillin + clarithromycin

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