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Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
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How long should I wait before doing follow up breath/stool test?

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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Week 2 after triple therapy

There are several types of tests for H.pylori. The major ones have a their own forum.

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Week 2 after triple therapy

Post by thestefster »

Hi All,

Firstly thanks to everyone that runs this website, you have been instrumental in my peace of mind!

I am at the start of week 2 after completing the 7-day triple course and I thought I'd share my experience and ask a few questions.

My initial symptoms started a few years ago when I started getting reflux and Mustard/Yellow stools w/with constipation. My GP put me on PPIs and after a few months the problem went away. 16 months (or so) later I was taking a lengthy course (3 months on and off) of anti-inflammatory for an on-going issue with pain associated to a root canal gone wrong. After the tooth issue was resolved, literally that same day, I started having reflux and yellow stool again but the reflux was much worse than before and I also had really loud stomach grumbling and also a pain on both the left and right side of my stomach just underneath my ribcage. I started taking the PPIs and it didn't help this time so I went to my GP and got stool test and blood test. Everything came back normal apart from Stool test showing up positive for H.pylori. I was refereed to a GI by my GP and he put me on the 7-day course.

The first few days of the treatment was pretty nasty, lots of gas, nausea and stomach growling but as the days progressed it got slightly better and by day 6 and 7 it was tolerable. After completing the course within a day or so the symptoms were significantly improved, stool color back to normal, stomach pain almost completely gone and no reflux. Since then I have had a few bouts of nausea, cramping and gas but it comes and goes and isn't anywhere near as bad as it was. I am due for the breath test in two weeks from today. Fingers x'd.


1. Could all this have been caused by the fact that I took too much anti-inflammatory (non-steroidal) which caused damage (or an ulcer) to my stomach and through taking the triple therapy that the heavier does of PPIs helped it to heal? Is there any association with non-steroidal use, damage to the stomach and H.Pylori? It just seems to me that there is a massive coincidence that I was on the anti-inflammatory and then literally the day I come off it I start having symptoms.

2. Its now been 11 days since the therapy and I have had a few bouts of stomach grumblings and a little bit of relux after eating. I assume its going to potentially take a while for things to completely clear up? I can't help but worry that its just dormant and going to make a comeback ;-)

3. My GI has said that if the breath test comes back positive then he will need to do an endoscopy and a biopsy to test which antibiotic would work best as the next line of treatment. If it comes back negative, and I still have slight symptoms, is it worth still having an Endoscopy or should I wait it out and see what happens with the healing process. Just your thoughts, I am rather anxious about having it done so would rather avoid it if possible.

Thanks for your help!


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Re: Week 2 after triple therapy

Post by Helico_expert »

1. NSAIDs are responsible for 50% of the stomach ulcers other than H. pylori. NSAIDs inhibits the stomach mucous that protects the stomach lining from gastric juice. So, without the protection of mucous, the acid start attacking the stomach lining and cause ulcers.

2. the recovery does depend on the damage done. Some people feel great improvement right after the treatment, while some unfortunate ones could take up to months before they start to feel better.

3. Your GI specialist is right. if your breath test result came back positive, if it is affordable, it is better to do an endoscopy to check.

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Re: Week 2 after triple therapy

Post by thestefster »

Thanks for your reply. My Breath test was complete and came back NEGATIVE and I waited extra long between ending treatment and doing the test to make sure it wouldn't provide a false-positive.

I do however still have significant nausea and difficulty with laying on my right side at night, more than a month after treatment. Left side is fine but when I lay on my right side I get lots of gurgling and stomach noise and also a little bit of nausea. Laying on my back is also fine. It almost feels like when my stomach acid hits that side when I roll over that it causes some sort of irritation. That said it comes and goes and sometimes I feel the rumbling and uneasy feeling through my stomach from right to left. I also occasional get a light tingle under my left rib-cage and also lower left abdomen, which is similar to what I felt prior to the treatment. I also now have a little bit of the typical reflux symptoms without bringing up acid into my mouth - it just creates the typical lump-in-throat feeling.

I have a GI appointment next Tuesday, so suspect he will want to do an endoscope. I'm 39 years old and am convinced that I am not doing myself any favors by constantly contemplating what I would do if this was stomach cancer. I don't drink, have never smoked and lead a pretty active lifestyle. I have recently found out that I do have a family history of ulcers, in fact everyone on my dads side has had some issues with h.pylori but no one has ever had stomach cancer. I do have some serious anxiety about all of this - as most people on here seem to have.

How many of you out there have had similar symptoms or issues post a Negative breath test?

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Re: Week 2 after triple therapy

Post by Helico_expert »

First of all, congratulation that you have your H. pylori eradicated without much complication!

Now, if you dont have a family history of gastric cancer, the chance of getting one at your young age is very very slim. Most likely your discomfort is due to the damage from H. pylori. Give enough time, your stomach should gradually recover.

Nevertheless, it's never bad to have an endoscopy examination. Please keep us posted with your post treatment checkup.

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