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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

stool test negative 3x, biopsy positive - do I have it?

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stool test negative 3x, biopsy positive - do I have it?

Post by Alfred001 »

My story is very long, so I'll skip over most stuff.

I've had symptoms since 2011.

They were:

diarrhea (stopped after a year)
frequent gas and popping sensation in the stomach (this mostly doesn't happen now)
weight loss
sometimes sensitivity to acidic fruit

I've had an edoscopy which showed minor ulceration on the cardia, which was biopsied (and I think a sample was taken from the duodenum). I got a paper with the results that said the biopsy showed type 1 metaplasia and rare bacteria that look like HP (or look similar to HP - the text is not in English and the wording is kind of ambiguous, I don't know whether the "rare" means uncommon or sparse).

I did another endoscopy and the doctor told me he couldn't see any ulceration, so presumably that means it had healed and that the stomach lining was mildly hyperaemic

I've had three stool tests at various times (2011, 2014 and I can't remember when one of them was), all were negative for HP.

I've had an abdominal ultrasound and everything looked fine and I had blood tests done in 2014, the results were:

(S) tTg (IgA) 2 (the unit of measurement is RU/ml)

(S) IgG 12.23 (unit: g/L - same for all the below)
(S) IgA 0.04
(S) IgM 0.53

And then a later blood test:

(s) feritin 317.20 (μg/L) (reference interval: 30.00 - 400.00)

EMA IgA <1:10 (says "titar" under measuring unit)

So, after all this, I don't understand whether I have HP or not, and should I get triple therapy.
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Re: stool test negative 3x, biopsy positive - do I have it?

Post by Helico_expert »

stool test is relatively sensitive. you had 3 negative results. Therefore, I believe you are free of Helicobacter pylori. However, your first endoscopy and biopsy result are suspicious. Then again, your second endoscopy showed normal result. So I wouldnt worry too much.

I dont understand your blood test result either. Do you know if that is specific to H. pylori?

Nevertheless, you should visit your doctor to find out what he thinks. Could it be some kind of allergies? Do you have close relatives that has stomach cancer?
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Re: stool test negative 3x, biopsy positive - do I have it?

Post by Alfred001 »

Regarding the blood tests, I think my doctor was suspecting celiac disease (based on this same information I put here). However, the first biopsy of the duodenum, as far as I can make sense of the pathologist's report, mentions nothing about celiac and I was under the impression that he wasn't told to look for it. Then a second biopsy was done (2 samples, I think) and the pathologist made some remarks (I'll post it when I get home), but said the samples were too small to make judgments.

Regarding the alergies angle, at one time (since this started) certain foods used to bother me and so I took them out of my diet. I used to eat a lot of nuts for a long time, peanuts would sometimes give me gas, even before these problems started, but then after this started, at some point I had to take nuts in general out of my diet because they'd make my stomach sensitive and tender. Same with barley which I used to eat.

None of my close relatives have had stomach cancer.

I'll post the pathologist's reports when I get home.

Could the part of the sample that shows metaplasia have been from that ulcertaion on the cardia, or is it necessarily in the duodenum?
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Re: stool test negative 3x, biopsy positive - do I have it?

Post by Helico_expert »

you can always get second opinion from a different specialist. or find out from a dietitian or immunologist if you are allergic to certain food.

also, just want to warn you about nuts and peas. Too much of those will raise your uric acid and gout.

lastly, do you take NSAIDs (eg. espirin, ibuprofen, voltaren, etc) or any pain killers? they are associated with duodenal ulcers.
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Re: stool test negative 3x, biopsy positive - do I have it?

Post by sunshine37 »

I just received my second stool test result. Both were negative.
May 28, 2015 Negative
June 29 2015 Negative
Prior to the first test May 28, I was taking Nexium.
Prior to the second test, I had not been taking any medicines that would affect the results, for 17 days. I am still not taking any PPI, pepto, antibiotics or anything.

My May 27, 2015 blood test showed:

H. pylori IgM standard range: <=0.8 my range: 2.2
0.8 EV or Less .......... Negative: No significant level
of IgM antibody to H.pylori
0.9-1.1 EV .............. Equivocal: Repeat testing in
10-14 days may be helpful.
1.2 EV or Greater ....... Positive: IgM antibody to
H. pylori detected, suggestive
of an active infection.

I was planning to take a breath test to be sure that I do not have an active infection, but do I really need to, as my stool test came out negative this second time?
Also, if I do take the breath test, how can I make sure that the results I get are correct? I am not taking any medicines that would affect it, but what about diet or other factors?
I read that you need to fast one hour before the breath test, so is that all I need to be concerned about prior to the test, other than avoid the medicines above?

Also, I am on a special GERD diet and eat 5-6 small meals per day. Mostly this works and the heartburn is not too bad, but I have had some acid reflux (where it goes up to my throat) off and on if I go without eating for too long. Otherwise, I don't have any symptoms. The GERD was diagnosed the beginning of May. I never have had any acid reflux (where it reaches my throat) prior to this Spring, but I had daily minor heartburn during last Autumn, while I was visting AU and eating medium spice Indian food. I am not sure whether the blood test positive result is in any way connected with the acid reflux.

Also, my boyfriend in AU has had burping, gurgling stomach, alternating constipation/diarrhea, churning bowels, and other problems, just since this Spring (most of these have subsided since he has been taking an two different herbal mixtures (one containing an acid suppressor) from his aryuvedic doctor, but the burping and gurgling stomach and churning bowels came back when he was off the herbs for the two weeks prior to his H Pylori IgA blood test and urea breath test-both of those came up negative as of today, though-his blood test was nil)).We both started to have problems at the same time, but his symptoms were different. Last Autumn, during Sept, we ate some Indian food one day that was being served outside on a platter and think maybe we caught something that way. Is it possible to have gotten H Pylori or some other bacteria that way?

Also, I was sure the symptoms were due to H Pylori, but as his tests were negative, I am not sure what is causing it. I read here in the forum that someone else was having a lot of burping and you had suggested it could be a particular bacteria, but I do not remember which one. His burps come after he eats anyting at all. The churning does not happen every night, but when it does, it is from 3-5am and it wakes him up from sleeping, as it is loud. The gurgling is off and on. he went to his GP in AU earlier this Spring and was tested for what he was told was every possible bacteria, as well as parasites, via blood testing and stool samples, as well, but nothing came up. We are looking into getting a list of what bacteria was actually looked for, as that might give a clue where to go from here. After that, his accupuncturist suggested to him that he had Candida, based on the appearance of his tongue, but we have not had that tested as yet.

Thank you! I really appreciate your help.

Best wishes,

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Re: stool test negative 3x, biopsy positive - do I have it?

Post by Helico_expert »

Hi Sunshine,

it's funny that your GP would test for IgM. I think IgG or IgA are probably the most common choice for HP detection. Seeing that you are negative for stool test, twice, I think you are free of H. pylori. Hence, your symptoms are most probably due to other things. Unfortunately there is little knowledge to what other pathogen may also trigger stomach problems. But stress has been identified as big factor. It sounds funny because before the discovery of H. pylori, all doctors blame stress as the root of stomach problem and now we are back to square one.

anyway, have you had a chance to speak to a immunologist? perhaps you have become allergic to certain food that you dont know about?
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Re: stool test negative 3x, biopsy positive - do I have it?

Post by sunshine37 »

I agree about the choice of tests being weird.

I think, too, that I don't have the infection, as the second stool test agreed with the first one.

Yes, stress could have something to do with it...I am taking adaptogens & herbs, when needed, to help with stress. Yes, it is funny how it is back to where it started with the doctors blaming stomach problems on stress. :)

As long as I eat when and what and how much I am supposed to eat, etc., most of the time, the heartburn/acid reflux is not that bad, even without the PPI. :) It is a strict low acid diet I am on. however, if i am off at all on my diet, then i get problems... the other day i had it pretty bad, as i did not eat soon enough/not enough. but it seems to go down/stay at bay once i eat.

I have not been to see an immunologist yet, but the food allergy is a possibility. However, I have not been eating anything new, so will have to check it out. It is possible to become allergic after eating a lot of a certain food. My reflux really started when I had medium level spices. Now, it is so sensitive that I cannot even have the tiniest bit. It burns my tongue for days afterward. That is odd, as it had never happened before. Also, sweet things can cause the heartburn/reflux for me now, I have found. I am planning to test for food intolerances and allergies, so maybe something will come of that. My boyfriend is getting tested for those, as well, as he does not have the H Pylori, but also has some gastro problems. Thank you for the suggestion. :)

Best wishes,
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Re: stool test negative 3x, biopsy positive - do I have it?

Post by sunshine37 »

I have the heartburn/nearly acid reflux today, too...It is sort of an ongoing battle to keep it at bay...

I was being overly optimistic yesterday, I think, as I'd had a couple of good days. Trying licorice root, as I had taken that one day and maybe it helped.

Thank you again for your help. It is kind of you.

Best wishes,

Darlene (sunshine)
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Re: stool test negative 3x, biopsy positive - do I have it?

Post by Helico_expert »

just want to share you another story of myself. I used to drink milk for breakfast everyday. Then I came to Australia. 5 yrs later, i suddenly became lactose intolerance (this may not due to immune system), then one time, i was sick, i took aspirin, then i suddenly became allergic to NSAIDs. Now i have to take anti-histamine together with any pain killers.
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