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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Is it possible to get a false negative on the breath test?

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Moderator: barjammar

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Is it possible to get a false negative on the breath test?

Post by sward27 »

I had taken "Inner Health Plus" - a pro-biotic seven days before the test. This was a month ago.
I have been having severe nausea, occassional vomiting, pain/pressure in the epi-gastric region with excessive gas and bloating since December. The nausea does not follow a trend or seem to be related to any particular food type. I wake up with a sharp sort of pain in my stomach, which also reoccurs during the day if I haven't been continuously eating little and often.
I have had a confirmed negative pregnancy test, nothing on ultrasound (to rule out gallbladder issues) and have been taking antacids for the past month with very little relief. Could the test have given a false negative? I cannot think of anything other than H.Pylori that could be causing my discomfort.
Please advise!

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Re: Is it possible to get a false negative on the breath tes

Post by Helico_expert »

I dont think the inner health plus supplement will affect the breath test. Unless your stomach is not acidic. Then it will affect the accuracy of breath test.

You can wait another month and repeat the Urea breath test or you can get a blood test to find out.

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Re: Is it possible to get a false negative on the breath tes

Post by goessbartol »

I need information about you and are willing to learn.

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