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Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
The 5th Chinese Helicobacter treatment consensus
How long should I wait before doing follow up breath/stool test?

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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Waiting for breath test results

There are several types of tests for H.pylori. The major ones have a their own forum.

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Waiting for breath test results

Post by Castles »

Hi, I am new to the forum. Hoping I have posted this in the right place.

Wondering if I am suspecting the right diagnosis to come my way shortly... for approximately a month I have felt constant, day-long nausea coupled with a huge loss of appetite as a result. Anything I eat that one would argue was half substantial, is almost immediately brought back up, although I have to be honest and say that I rarely actually vomit. I do however find myself violently retching, as though I WANT to vomit.

Start of summer I paid my doctor a visit and he diagnosed GERD, and prescribed me Omeprazole 20mg, as my only symptoms at the time were nausea and acute heartburn/acid reflux. It went away, and I was happy. Unfortunately the above symptoms came along with the nausea this time. I was sent for a breath test, and placed on Ranitidine 150mg in the mean time (apparently it is not a proton pump inhibitor that can interfere with the breath test whereas Omeprazole will). I had my test done and am expecting the results back in the next few days.

After extensive online research surrounding my symptoms, I'd have to put forward a diagnosis of H.pylori because the accounts I read from people are all suggesting similar symptoms. As I am spending every day very uncomfortable and upset with this, I researched in to home remedies and purchased some makuna honey and some mastic gum capsules (both apparently very popular, although I understand peoples' own experiences with these has been mixed).

Do my symptoms suggest Helico infection to the readers here? Again, they are constant nausea, loss of appetite, loss of weight, dark/loose stools, occasional vomiting (can't see blood). Breath test results en route and I will post them when I get them. Also, am I right in thinking that Omeprazole alone will not eradicate Helicobacter infection and that I will need the two antibiotics also? I have heard mixed reports on this.


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Re: Waiting for breath test results

Post by Helico_expert »

Hopefully your symptoms are caused by H. pylori. At least we know how to treat it. Unfortunately not all gastric disease are H. pylori related. As people (especially doctors) understand H. pylori much better now, H. pylori are getting eradicated everywhere in the world. So in many developed country, the gastric diseases are mostly non-H. pylori related and unfortunately, the causes are usually unknown.

What I can tell you is, all those natural products/remedies, such as manuka honey, mastic gum, garlic, ginger, tea, etc etc, all not going to eradicate H. pylori. They only proven to calm down the symptoms, but can never remove the root of the problem. Only antibiotics have been scientifically proven to eradicate H. pylori once and for all.

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Re: Waiting for breath test results

Post by Castles »

I appreciate the information, I am hoping that when my test results come back and these symptoms are confirmed as being a result of h.pylori, that the antibiotics will remove the problem. If it does not confirm I have h.pylori, then I honestly think I will need to drastically alter my diet and start research on how to live with this condition. I really hope that's not the case for now.

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Re: Waiting for breath test results

Post by Castles »

just an update, quite interesting.

Doctor has said that the results were 'inconclusive', apparently the notes on the system were that I 'fell in to the grey area between negative and positive'. Doctor offered me the following options: triple therapy treatment, gastroscopy with a specialist to confirm, or repeated breath test. As the two latter options would have delayed me by a month, and given my symptoms being what they are, the doctor and I agreed triple therapy was the best option. I'm now on the anti biotics and will post an update once I have some new info.

Here's hoping I get better.

Interestingly the doctor said that he had never encountered an inconclusive test result before.

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Re: Waiting for breath test results

Post by Helico_expert »

remember to write down which triple therapy to take.

in addition, i think to get a more accurate test result, you should also avoid ranitidine.


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Re: Waiting for breath test results

Post by Castles »

Good point. The ranatidine was given to me prior breath test as he said omeprazole would interfere with results. Once I had results he put me back on omeprazole, along with the antibiotics (will post specifics once home, I'm unfortunately travelling at the moment - very uncomfortable!

Three days in to.triple therapy I have felt nausea beyond anything I've felt before, with accompanying diarrhea. Have taken Imodium (after confirming with a nurse was ok) whilst I've been away, however have been unable to vomit. This may be because I have been unable to consume anything but small amounts of water for nearly a week. I have appointment with doctor tomorrow. I did expect to feel at least somewhat better, but I do not.

I will post specific triple therapy shortly.

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Re: Waiting for breath test results

Post by Helico_expert »

I am sorry to hear your trouble going through all the side effects. Ask your doctor what he would recommend to assist your side effects. eg. probiotics, mint tea, etc.

Nevertheless, it is important to finish the antibiotics to avoid resistance.

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Re: Waiting for breath test results

Post by Castles »

My antibiotics are Clarithromycin 500mg (1 tablet twice a day) and Amoxicillin (2 tablets twice a day). I am now on day 6 of my 7 day course, and yesterday was the first time I have been able to honestly say that I felt improvement for the first time in over six weeks.

My infection has stopped my entire life in its tracks. My relationship has been put under strain, my university attendance has been effected massively, and my social life is now non-existent. So it came with some relief that the triple therapy, for the moment, seems to be doing something. I am concerned that there are a number of reports online that suggest once the therapy finished, the symptoms returned, which suggests to me that helicobacter pylori may come back if not completely eradicated by the antibiotics.

My GP advised yesterday that I should feel as though I am turning a corner a week AFTER finishing the course, as the stomach will be scarred and sensitive, and needs time to heal. I have felt nauseous today (which has been my personal main symptom) however I CAN eat again, in small amounts. After not being able to stomach food for nearly a month, that is a blessing.

I will update soon about how my symptoms have reacted post treatment. Hopefully this is of some use to someone.

PS - As of tomorrow I will be taking 2 x mastic gum supplements daily to aid the healing process, along with a PPI.

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Re: Waiting for breath test results

Post by Helico_expert »

That sounds very promising. I look forward for your treatment result. Just remember, if the treatment does fail (touch wood), there is always a backup plan. Nevertheless, keep up the positive thoughts.

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Re: Waiting for breath test results

Post by Castles »

woke tonight with crippling abdomen pain. first time since experiencing symptoms. feel this is unusual, given I've not had it before but I have read about it. Unsure if this is linked to antibiotics but it was extremely painful

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