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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

3 people. 3 tests. 3 treatments. H pylori Puzzle!!

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3 people. 3 tests. 3 treatments. H pylori Puzzle!!

Post by Ltb »

Im wondering if anyone on here can figure this out because it really doesn't make any sense to me at all. These are chronological events but things just don't add up:-

1. In July 13 my mum visited both myself and brother in London. She was very ill at the time and had continuous burping/indigestion/diarreah (yellow stool). We all thought it was just a bug. However burping/ indigestion continued from July to October and she was free from symptoms by end of October after taking lots of probiotics.

2. Towards end of July I started having chronic acid burps, even after drinking water. This continued into August. went to doctor who gave me Lanzoprazole. All this did was remove acid but burping and pale yellow stool remained.

3. In August my brother also start having exactly the same symptoms-burping , indigestion and cold burning in stomach.

4. Throughout September and october my brother and I battled acid burping, pains in stomach, yellow stool, sore tongue/mouth, post nasal drip, and self treated with Gaviscon.

5. From July to today (January 13th) Ive had only had Lanzoprazole from Sept 1st to October 1st, and for another 2 weeks at end of October

6. My brother and I had stool test and both came back NEGATIVE for H pylori in October. Mum had biopsy from endoscopy NEGATIVE for h Pylori.

7. I had Endoscopy on 6th January(last week) and doctor discovered Duodenal Ulcer and gastritis and said I MUST have H pylori. Ive taken Triple therapy all this week but am still burping on my last day of treatment.

8. My brother and mum now have the same triple therapy drugs after begging their doctors to have them. Because they both had previously had negative tests Doc did not want to hand out pills. Symptoms are exactly the same though so If i have Hpylori it makes sense they do.


How can it be possible that I have an ulcer In January? Considering I took Lanzoprazole throughout October this should've healed the ulcer. Can an Ulcer grow quickly in 2 months?

My acidity levels began to get easier. in July and August every burp was painful acid. By November/ December the acidity was less even though i was still burping. This doesn't tie in with the Ulcer occurring?

My mum seemed to cure herself after 3-4 months. Indigestion vanished, but she wants to take triple therapy to be certain. Is it possible for symptoms to go/die down?

The coincidences are so odd. All tested. All negative in October. I get ulcer so positive diagnosis. Doctor is 100% sure its h pylori. All on same triple therapy treatment yet feeling no better on last day of treatment (brother and myself). Surely the chances of all 3 of us testing negative is very low. I thought the tests were pretty accurate? Also the chances of us all not responding to triple therapy must also be low but this appears to be the case.

Sorry for the long post and its probably a headache to read but none of this makes sense to me!

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Re: 3 people. 3 tests. 3 treatments. H pylori Puzzle!!

Post by Helico_expert »

thank you for sharing your interesting story.

The burping symptom does sound like a H. pylori infection. The long and persistent symptoms too sounds like H. pylori. However, stool test, or any test can be negative when you are taking Lanzoprazole or any acid reducing drug.

having ulcer doesnt mean it's H. pylori. 50% of the ulcer cases were caused by NSAIDS, eg. aspirin and ibuprofen.

H. pylori doesnt spread so quickly among adults. Unless contaminated food and water are frequently shared. or in some cases, kissing and sharing food with domestic animals, eg. cats and dogs. can spread Helicobacter too.

I wouldnt think H. pylori would cause ulcer this quickly. However, the actual time for ulcer development is not studied. Perhaps you have a very aggressive strain or you have a very strong immune response against whatever pathogen is attacking your stomach.

Did your specialist send any biopsy for histology testing? that will tell if you are truly infected by H. pylori or some other Helicobacter species.

Nevertheless, if whatever gastric problem is caused by a pathogen, the triple therapy will probably kill it. the antibiotics will wipe all bacteria in your guts (unless there is resistant strains).

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Re: 3 people. 3 tests. 3 treatments. H pylori Puzzle!!

Post by Ltb »

Thanks for replying!
I had an endoscopy and they found gastritis and a duodenal ulcer. They tested for h pylori at the same time during endoscopy and it was negative but because i had the ulcer gave me triole therapy anyway. Im scared stiff though as just finished the weeks course and am still burping constantly. I have 3 more weeks of omeprazole 20g each day to heal the ulcer but im worried more damage is being done! Could the burping which feels exactly the same be down to the ulcer? I cant believe ive had blood stool and endoscopy tests and all negative yet i have an ulcer. I guess im worried that the h pylori will stop the ppi from healing my ulcer!

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Re: 3 people. 3 tests. 3 treatments. H pylori Puzzle!!

Post by Helico_expert »

H. pylori will not stop PPI from healing your ulcer. before H. pylori was discovered. everyone with ulcers were prescribed PPI. ulcers will heal within a month and then they stop PPI and then a few months later, the ulcers come back and they have to go back to PPI. It was thought to be stress and smoking related. Patients were asked to take PPI for the rest of their life. some patients were even suggested to have part of the stomach removed. stomach surgeons and PPI company are making loads of money back then.

anyway, just want to let you know that H. pylori will not stop PPI from healing ulcers. However, H. pylori is the root of the problem and should be eradicated.

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Re: 3 people. 3 tests. 3 treatments. H pylori Puzzle!!

Post by Ltb »

Thanks so much for replying! Ok so my ulcer should anyway. I have 3 more weeks on Omeprazole left. The weird thing is my brother and i have just had finished the triple therapy yet we are both still burping constantly and have seen no change at all. Is this normal and is there a high chance that the tablets havent worked as we both must have the same strain? For us the burping is the key. If the burping stops all the other little symptoms stop too. My brother hasnt got an ulcer by the way.

Im wondering if its yhe actual bacteria that cause the burping or is it what they do to the stomach that cause them? Has anyone stopped burping immediately after triple therapy?

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Re: 3 people. 3 tests. 3 treatments. H pylori Puzzle!!

Post by Helico_expert »

I would also like to point out, when you are taking PPI, your stomach becomes neutral and any bacteria can grow. your burping could be due to any of those bacteria too. Hopefully when you finish your PPI treatment, your acid will return and your stomach will once again sterile, then your stomach can slowly recover and your burping will go away.

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Re: 3 people. 3 tests. 3 treatments. H pylori Puzzle!!

Post by dioxnet »

:o I read the post, and I see myself, but what catches my attention is the nasal drip
is true, I since symptoms began, it appeared nasal drip

4. Throughout September and october my brother and I battled acid burping, pains in stomach, yellow stool,( sore tongue/moutht <this does ), post nasal drip yes

eating? nasal drip?

get sick in August, a curious thing, 4 more people got sick of my friends around, same symptoms, but each were in different places (holidays)

I since I have taken omeprazole, and drink water with gas ... if if sparkling water
and sucralfate 2g every night, I'm much better

sparkling water, a chemical friend told me, that drowned the bacteria, something ...
cold gas and water, they believe?

perdon mi ingles :(

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Re: 3 people. 3 tests. 3 treatments. H pylori Puzzle!!

Post by Helico_expert »

H. pylori doesnt spread like virus. It's a chronic infection and will take years for symptom to show up.

Also, H. pylori in the stomach is well hidden and not easily be killed by sparkling water.

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Re: 3 people. 3 tests. 3 treatments. H pylori Puzzle!!

Post by Ltb »

So heres an update.
My brother and I are still exactly the same after triple therapy Amox, Clarith, and PPi. Still acid burping constantly.
I had a second endoscope where doctor took 4 biopsies. My ulcer was not fully healed and I had duodenitis after 2 weeks off PPI. Can it develop that quick? He gave me second round of treatment, with Tet, Metroniz, and PPI.
Ive just finished this last night and yet I still have chronic burping on an empty stomach as soon as I wake up. THe weird thing is on the 6th day of treatment a had a 6 hour period where everything felt normal in my chest and stomach for the first time in 9 months. I thought I was cured. no burping! then the next day it was all back! what could be the cause of this?
Im worried as I feel like im out of options with antibiotics. please help!

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Re: 3 people. 3 tests. 3 treatments. H pylori Puzzle!!

Post by dioxnet »

gas water not killed, but rather improves, also helps heal ulcers a little faster,
some have the same virus (propagated faster then) produces gastritis and ulcers clear ...
and burping is the ulcer?

step of full sedation and pleasure in the stomach, with nausea burning stomach upset,
it's amazing, especially after eating I feel great, not the hours, but after eating I get a dream

I just take sucralfate with baking soda and water and gas and see improvement, no stool: (

our problem is gastritis, which is the solution produces

I am a stranger in this: (
sport practice 6 days a week, I do not notice fatigue, but psychologically fatal: (

perdon mi ingles :(

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