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Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
The 5th Chinese Helicobacter treatment consensus
How long should I wait before doing follow up breath/stool test?

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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Problems after treatment

There are several types of tests for H.pylori. The major ones have a their own forum.

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Problems after treatment

Post by Angeleo »

I'm trying to establish whether there is any connection between treatment for Duodenal ulcers and H Plyori and subsequent bowel irregularities i.e. Diverticulitis as a result of treatment. This is purely a personal matter having experienced bowel irregularities ever since being treated for a Duodenal ulcer and H Plyori almost 3 years ago. I'm a healthy 62 year old with no previous bowell problems, examinmations have identified Diverticulitis, it's been suggested that I change my diet, more fibre and water which is fine. However when I ask why has there been a sudden change after 60 years (not gradual) no one seems to know or give an explanation.

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Re: Problems after treatment

Post by Helico_scientist »

Maybe you should check if H.pylori as been eradicated. Have you done a test after the treatment. It might still be there which could explain your symptoms

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Re: Problems after treatment

Post by JodiDCarter »

Angeleo wrote:I'm trying to establish whether there is any connection between treatment for Duodenal ulcers and H Plyori and subsequent bowel irregularities i.e. Diverticulitis as a result of treatment. This is purely a personal matter having experienced bowel irregularities ever since being treated for a Duodenal ulcer and H Plyori almost 3 years ago. I'm a healthy 62 year old with no previous bowell problems, examinmations have identified Diverticulitis, it's been suggested that I change my diet, more fibre and water which is fine. However when I ask why has there been a sudden change after 60 years (not gradual) no one seems to know or give an explanation.

Why don't you visit your doctors and ask them why there is such change. I think they can help you to make another test and explain this symptom.


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Re: Problems after treatment

Post by Helico_expert »

The truth is, nobody really knows what's going on. We know the microflora in the gut changes all the time. The general idea is, when the balance of the microflora is upset, then it will leads to IBD and possible Diverticulitis. But, it is extremely complex to explain from the both the microflora and host immune response point of view.

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Re: Problems after treatment

Post by AndrewLRose »

Helico_expert wrote:The truth is, nobody really knows what's going on. We know the microflora in the gut changes all the time. The general idea is, when the balance of the microflora is upset, then it will leads to IBD and possible Diverticulitis. But, it is extremely complex to explain from the both the microflora and host immune response point of view.

That's right. We may easily search the definition for microflora on the internet but it's not easy to explain from the both the microflora and host immune response point of view. When you have the idea about this, pls let me know so that I can use these details in my exercise topic. Tks


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