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Ulcer vs. gastric cancer symptoms

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 6:37 am
by CanGal
So, as I wait to see my doctor next week for my antibiotic protocol, I'm driving myself crazy investigating my symptoms.

I believe I've had h pylori for about a year. Started as seemingly unrelated (dermatitis) symptoms that escalated to minor nausea about 8-10 weeks ago which prompted me to get tested (positive breath test). However, just in the past 3 weeks, symptoms have drastically escalated to pain, discomfort, burping, fullness after eating very little, scraping feeling when swallowing food/pills, heartburn and radiating pain to my back. I have totally normal looking stools and go regularly (once/day).

Is this normal progression for an ulcer or should I push for an endoscopy to rule out cancer?

I am a 40 year old female with no previous stomach issues and have eaten very healthy over the past year (since the dermatitis appeared). My internal medicine doc cleared me of several autoimmune diseases, so feels the dermatitis is caused by the h pylori.

Every site I read says symptoms between benign ulcer and gastric cancer are similar and by the time typical symptoms show up, it's too late. :( The quick onset of recent symptoms has me quite worried.

Perhaps this is an exercise in futility, but any insight or reference articles to differentiating symptoms is appreciated.

Re: Ulcer vs. gastric cancer symptoms

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 9:56 am
by Helico_expert
the chance of getting gastric cancer is low if you dont have close relative having gastric cancer. Nevertheless, you can always book yourself an endoscopy to find out.

Alternatively, you can just have the antibiotic treatment for 10-14 days, wait a month for the follow up breath test, then see how you feel.

while waiting for the treatment, you can start PPI or ranitidine to control your reflux and pain.

lastly, try not to worry too much. negative thoughts normally worsen the symptoms.

Re: Ulcer vs. gastric cancer symptoms

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 10:39 am
by CanGal
Thank you for your reply. I will do that.