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New to Helico

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:31 am
by Lotsofpain
I am quite new to helicobacter. I have been having pain and diarrhea for several years though all the tests like colonoscopy etc show nothing leading to a diagnosis by exclusion of IBS.

At the moment I have loose stool all the time though not always that frequent and left sided lower abdomen pain. LOads of bloating and wind Can be very sore not least because I have developed anal fissures at some point, Can all this be related to helicobacter.

More recently I have been having problems with my upper abdomen pain sometimes hard to swallow tend to cough.

Advice please

Re: New to Helico

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 8:57 am
by Helico_scientist

These symptoms might be related to Helicobacter. However, I think the best way to know if you have helicobacter is to do a quick breath test. If it positive, you'll be treated and hopefully your symptoms will go away.

Good luck