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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Three years after eradication

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Three years after eradication

Post by newpylori »

I'm due for endoscopy as recommended by the earlier doctor since "focal incomplete IM" was found. But that doctor didn't seem to think of it as serious and just asked to do another in 3 years. It also confirmed eradication of pylori that was 4 months after antibiotics.

I'm trying to schedule one.

These three years have been mixed with occasional flare up. I had severe throat reflux but that sorted itself out in few weeks with ppi. I stopped ppi after few months. Went back to usual diet plus drinks etc although not too much.

Of late the flare up are getting more regular - mostly alternating between burn feel, bloated for days (but not very painful), full feel, pressure in stomach area etc. Not severe or high pain but there and noticeable. No nausea ever. BM regular, fecal blood test ok.

I'm scared even to visit the GE. Some questions for experts:

1. Are these symptoms consistent with worsening of the Metaplasia?
2. Am I a high risk for cancer? Male 56 now
3. Is IM common in scope or rare and incurable?
4. Or is just post eradication issues that linger given my age?


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Re: Three years after eradication

Post by Helico_expert »

56 years old is still young

If your acid level is good (eg. having acid reflux), then your cancer chance is low.

IM is just a marker. There are getting more evidence of IM recovery now. My theory is that IM doesnt produce mucous and through time, the stomach acid will gradually kill them and healthy gastric cells will replace them.

Just make sure that you are free of H. pylori. Then your condition will stop deteriorate. With healthy life-style (eg. healthy food and exercise), then the chance of returning to healthy is high.

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