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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

My H pylori horror story...

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My H pylori horror story...

Post by Udelgado »

This is my horror story after 5 years of suffering from H pylori.
First let me begin with this, there is a H Pylori denial that happens with western doctors. It is common practice for most doctors to refuse to treat H pylori, or become openly hostile if you suggest you might have H pylori. It’s strange yet, if you have H pylori, and you seek treatment, you will find this out. Now of course you might get a dr that knows it, and is willing to help, however this is only if you are lucky. I’ve found that most doctors prefer to let people’s health go south, leading to disease misery and possibly years later...death
Rather than treat it. If you want treatment
You must DEMAND it, and often times if you do, doctors will become openly hostile. They will express distaste for people using google to tell them their business.
They will say it’s kidney stones. Pancreatitis. Stomach flu. Etc. if they agree to treat you for h pylori, you are lucky.

My story....
I began having severe heartburn Five years ago. After it got unbearable I sought help from dr.
Was prescribed anti acids. A Year later I Got severe burning in my stomach and weakness. Went to dr and was told to drink fluids and rest. It would t go away, so I started reading online and found H Pylori info. And that it’s the most common infection in the world. I went to dr and asked if I had H pylori. The dr rolled his eyes and said that’s not a issue in developed countries, and that I needed to stop reading myself online what could be wrong with me.
Prescribed proton pump inhibitor to stop acids in my stomach.
Several months later I got a flu. At the tale end when I was getting better, I began drinking lots of orange juice for vitamin c. Next thing I have extreme stomach pain. And when I say extreme, I mean extreme. I’ve had a shattered leg from motorcycle accident, broke my leg in 17 places. This was worse. Like a hot knife stabbed 5 inches into my upper stomach right below my solar plexus. Besides the pain, it also sapped all my strength so all I could do was lay in bed in pain. Couldn’t get up to eat or drink. If I did not have a girlfriend taking care of me, I might have just withered and died. So much pain I couldn’t feed myself. Or get up to go to bathroom, as the pain was so severe when I stood up, I couldn’t bear it. (Dr always say that h pylori doesn’t cause severe pain....wrong!)
I went to urgent care as I didn’t have the greatest insurance so hospital visit would break me financially. Urgent care dr didn’t know what H Pylori was. I gave them article to read on webmd and they read it and said it’s not what I have. But at this point I’m so incapacitated from pain that I lay down and drift to deep sleep. After hours of tests and waiting I had another doctor come in and say they were going to treat me for H pylori as it couldn’t hurt. I was given antibiotic shot while I lay there in and out of consciousness.i honestly believe had I not been basically passed out and writhing in pain, honestly I don’t think I would have been treated. After the shot I woke up 20 min later and the pain was much much less. I could stand. And within an hour pain was nearly gone. I was able to get a prescription for clarithromycin and amoxicillin from the urgent care once they saw how well the shot worked.
Got the meds and later that day after taking them, all pain was gone and I was back to normal. I dislike taking meds for longer than needed. So after 2 days on meds I stopped as I felt they were killing my gut flora. But i felt better. This may have been a huge mistake as I later realized.
About a year later, I began having heartburn again. Then weakness and fatigue. I went to a new dr as I had different insurance, and the dr flat out would not listen to my plea for antibiotics for h pylori. Gave me the song and dance about how you can develop resistance to antibiotics. Prescribed anti acid and refuses to do more, saying if it gets worse, go to hospital and see if they can help.
I knew what was wrong with me, so I began reading everything I could about h pylori. Then the fatigue turns to all out unbearable pain in My upper stomach.
I am again unable to stand or move much. I got my gf to drive me to urgent care as I couldnt afford ER visit.
Urgent care dr says they don’t think I should be doing any google searching. But I was in soo much pain and tired I could barely argue my point. The urgent care refused to help me and suggested I go to hospital. So in frustration I asked to be driven back to the urgent care that reluctantly agreed to treat me before. They to refused to help, and suggested I stop trying to self diagnose. I explained that I had been to that location, and been told the same thing, and was treated with antibiotic injection and
recovered. They said that dr was gone now, and they never heard of H pylori. And that I should not worry, as “it’s not contagious and goes away on its own”.
Wow. I tried arguing my point, but was in pain, and getting fed up with H pylori denial. So I might not have been super polite, but I wasn’t irate. I was asked to leave and threatened with calling police.
So I left. I dig through medicine cabinet and found some of the old clarithromycin from before that I didn’t complete.
And some amoxicillin my daughter had from a dental treatment. Also had some store bought anti acid proton pump inhibitor. After took the three pills,
An hour later I felt almost fully recovered.
I took the antibiotics for like 3-4 days until I ran out. Fully recovered i thought, so I just thanked god and moved on with my life.
Fast forward a year. I have a new girlfriend. She had asthma, and persistent stomach issues that made her be on a restricted diet that was like a keto diet. She said other diets made her bloat and have stomach issues. I didn’t think anything of it, h pylori now being a forgotten. Then she fell ill. Complained food wouldn’t digest and was not moving in her body, she could feel it just sitting in one part of her belly. She was sleeping 13-14 hours a day and always tired. Then she started getting burning pain in her stomach after she was recovering from covid. She went to dr and they suggested eating light foods and drinking fluids and the bug would pass. It didn’t. She began sleeping 20 hours a day, and had mental changes where she became mean and anxious. Then the pain worsened. I suggested I think she could have H pylori and to get checked out. At this point she is basically bedridden. So she stayed with me for weeks. Nothing helped. I took her to urgent care
And the prescribed proton pump inhibitor, and refused to give antibiotics. This made us both agitated, and we were asked to leave after asking about h pylori.
Took her to hospital and ER was full of covid victims, old people on oxygen sneezing and coughing
My gf didn’t want to wait in the packed waiting room and get covid after she just recovered from covid.
So we waited for two weeks until first dr visit we could get squeezed in (covid made Dr booked out weeks)
This dr said it wasn’t h pylori and to trust him.
I explained my experience with H pylori, and that respectfully please give her a test for h pylori he was angered and argued. I was adamant and he agreed to H pylori test and a bunch of other tests he wanted, including cat scan, xrays, and other costly tests. Then when we went to leave, I looked at paperwork and there was no referral to take a h pylori test as he agreed. I demanded the test be added to the referrals. They did so but reluctantly. They later called my gf and told them I could never go back to that office with her. Next day she takes breath test at labcorp. It takes a week to get results back. Meanwhile she hasn’t ate for days and is barely able to drink.
When the dr that we just saw got the results
He called her and told her she needed to come in. Said do not bring your bf with you. I drove her there and walked her in as she was in bad shape. When she came out, dr had told her it was H pylori and that he was sorry for having argued that it wasn’t. Prescribed amoxicillin clarithromycin
And a Proton pump inhibitor. She was given 14 days worth of antibiotics. I tried to get treatment as I had been kissing her and having unprotected oral sex, and heartburn started up again. Thinking I could have got it again from her, or still had it from years ago and gave it to her. So I went to urgent care to see if I could get treatment. No. 2 different urgent cares refused to help saying I should go to a dr or a hospital. Frustrated and thinking I could never get in to a dr during covid, we decided to split her treatment. She took antibiotics for 8 days and the rest of her scrip I took, for 5 days. Seemed to work. She completely recovered and digestive issues she had as long as she could remember, were gone. Lifelong asthma seemed gone. She was able to eat regular food and not get bloating and weight gain
Like she had her whole life. She lost 20lbs of bloating weight as she called it, caused by h pylori.

A few weeks later I had a long night of drinking and I got bad heartburn. It didn’t go away. Persisted for a few weeks but never developed into full on h pylori symptoms. So I figured it was just drinking too much vodka. It became hard to digest beef and steak would cause stomach issues. But I didn’t have any of the pain or fatigue so I figured it wasn’t h pylori. 6 months later I ate a TV dinner late night
And threw it up
The next morning, after vomiting a few times and having pure liquid diarrhea I figured it was food poisoning. So I just rested and started feeling better later in the day but I couldn’t eat. That night I began having unbearable pain after the food poisoning subsided. It felt different from the nauseating food poisoning. It felt like a hot knife stabbing into my stomach. I couldn’t stand and began having massive chest phlegm and fever. The pain got soo bad where I was writhing and praying to god. So I knowing full well how dr would react i went to ER as I couldn’t get into a dr visit anytime soon. After 5 hours at hospital dr told me it was likely kidney stones. I had kidney stones in past and respectfully disagreed as the pain was different and much worse. And I also had chest pain. The female dr said H pylori doesn’t cause that kind of pain and her opinion was in was likely pancreatitis. Got a cat scan and EKG
Which is expensive. No results from either dr says, I don’t know what the issue is, but her opinion was it was a kidney stone I passed and I should be better now. At this point I tried not to be agitated, but when she tried to write me a proton pump inhibitor scrip and send me on my way I became irate. I explained I wasn’t looking for percosets, that I wanted antibiotics so I could get better. I told her my history again and was adamant I had h pylori and that the food poisoning and subsequent not eating caused h pylori that was dormant to flare up. She became agitated and told me to stop thinking I could self diagnose with google and asked me to leave. I argued my point to the assistant nurse who believed me. She said she would get the dr to write prescriptions for antibiotic that helps w kidney stone related infections, and whispered “it will also help with h pylori.
I told the main dr thanks for nothing and that I would get my own black market antibiotics. She said go ahead. And walked away in disgust.
I got home and got some amoxicillin from a friend. I took a 850 amoxicillin and a 500 amoxicillin. That was last night.
Today I’m almost fully recovered! I’m now able to stand and will go get the prescription for the kidney stone related antibiotics today. Crossing my fingers.
If you read up on it, h pylori causes stomach cancer if left untreated. And causes heart issues. Some people think they are having heart attack and go in to only find it was h pylori. It also causes kidney disease and kidney failure. During this last bout I had major kidney pain in both kidneys, but it felt different than kidney stones. Who knows what kind of kidney damage I’ve sustained as a result of all this.

I’m writing this only in hopes there are thousands of people suffering right now needlessly because of the weird phenomenon of American doctors refusing to look at h pylori as a possible cause. In other countries I’ve read that the first thing doctors look for if there is stomach issues is H pylori, as it’s the most common likely cause to check off the list.
It’s a strange thing to know I cannot get treatment. That any doctor I go to will refuse to listen.
You have to be adamant. You have to be stern. Had I not been, I would be suffering for years, and my girlfriend would be likely still be suffering. It’s only through self diagnosis that I was able to get treatment. Unless you are lucky, doctors will refuse to treat you. My only advice is go as quickly as possible to a gastroenterologist and get a test for H pylori done. If you have to pay for it out of pocket at a labcorp. With a positive result a dr is likely to listen. Thing that aggravates me is that your family members and lover likely have it too, and will just give it back to you. And getting treatment for yourself is nearly impossible, but good luck on getting your family members with no symptoms treatment.
I feel bad for anyone going through this as it is are all alone, people think your faking it. As it comes and goes. Doctors will roll their eyes. It’s a shame really.
Because it’s rather cheap and easy to write a scrip for two antibiotics and a proton pump inhibitor.
If and when you get antibiotics... take the full course, then get another h pylori test after. Don’t be like me
And take a few days worth them feel better and stop. As it could still be there in your gut lying dormant in small amounts, until one day something sets it off and your bedridden and in pain like you never thought possible. Good luck!
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Re: My H pylori horror story...

Post by Helico_expert »


Thanks for sharing your interesting story. I agree that H. pylori is often overlooked in developed country. I just make a few points.

1. it's not right to keep taking the same antibiotics. If the first treatment fail, your H. pylori is most likely resistant to it. So the subsequent treatment with the same antibiotics will probably do nothing to H. pylori.

2. PPI can relief the symptoms but not a long term cure for H. pylori infection.

3. Your girl friend and you should go back and get another breath test done to check if you still have H. pylori. Having symptom relieved is not a sign that you are cured. The wound is temporarily healed because of the treatment you took. If H. pylori is still there, the wound will come back.

4. Vomit can contain high volume of H. pylori and spread to people who is cleaning it.

5. H. pylori cannot be spread by sexual intercourse or oral sex.
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