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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

First treatment therapy

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First treatment therapy

Post by N64-123 »

Dear Helico expert, I hope you are well and want to first thank you for the support you give in this forum, I have been reading a lot of the forum topics to get the answer I needed.

My Mother has tested positive for h.pylori her symptoms are: reflux and erosive gastritis. She has been given the quadruple therapy I believe, I want to kindly ask how she should take them? Annoyingly her doctor has not stated how she should take them instead he just said to take them All at once but not stated at which interval but there are so many pills and a liquid formula that I don’t know in which way or interval to take them, I am kindly asking if you could advice on the best way to take them please. I have listed the Antibiotics below which she has been told to take for 14 days.

Metronidazole 400mg
Clarithromycin 500mg
Amoxicillin 1g
Esomeprazole 40mg
Pepto bismol liquid (this one is in a bottle with a measuring cap on top) so not sure how much to take.

I’m assuming she should take all 3 antibiotics and the ppi together Every 12 hours for 14 days? How about the pepto bismol?

Thank you very much

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Re: First treatment therapy

Post by Helico_expert »

I think the doctor has the duty to explain clearer how to take the medicines.

ideally, having more doses is better than one dose.
for example, instead of 40mg esomeprazole once a day, it would be better to have 20mg twice a day (even better if taken 3 times a day).

then we give
Amoxicillin 1g 3x a day.
Clarithromycin, 500mg, 2x a day
metronidazole 400mg, 3x a day
bismuth, 240mg, 4x a day.

So I am not sure how many times your doctor has instructed your mother. better clarify with your mother.

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