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Some useful guides
How to post in the forum?
Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
The 5th Chinese Helicobacter treatment consensus
How long should I wait before doing follow up breath/stool test?

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Symptoms survey
(contributed by frostyfeet)

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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

It Does Get Better

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It Does Get Better

Post by CheerfulSatchel »

Hello all, I am back with an update almost a year later since I got H. Pylori~

(Little background about me: Asian dude, long distance runner, living in USA, age 22-25)

I got H. Pylori in late September 2020. Took the round of antibiotics, retested 4 weeks later, negative. I lost 25 lbs in 2 weeks. My stomach still ached and hurt like hell, AND on top of that I got acid reflux from taking omeprazole with my antibiotics, so I got an endoscopy in December 2020; endoscopy revealed moderate gastritis, but no H. Pylori.

The gastro doctor put me on PPIs for 3 months (Pantoprazole 40mg once daily) and sucralfate to let the stomach heal and to address the acid reflux that was still ongoing. These didn't do anything for me.

I didn't like the medication, and it wasn't effective, so I stopped them all entirely. I slowly weaned off the PPIs in the third month by taking one every other day. After like 3 weeks, I stopped altogether.

During this entire time, my stomach would still flare up 3-5 times a day, with each flare up lasting roughly 2 minutes.

Oh, and the acid reflux? That shit persisted too, I woke up with a scalded throat EVERY MORNING for like 7 months.

I can't pinpoint the exact time, but I returned to my old lifestyle habits: exercising (long distance running), eating bigger portions, spending more time with family outdoors. I basically said "f**k it, i'll deal with the pain." And, since July 2021, the stomach pains AND acid reflux have basically subsided. Maybe one dull ache once every week, and rarely a burning throat these days.

I do believe the body has the capacity to heal itself - that's what we've been doing years before modern medicine. The important things are:

1) Get rid of the stomach bug
2) Get lots of sleep
3) Eat healthy and balanced diet
4) Reduce stress
5) Exercise (not too intensely)
6) Drink lots of water

THERE. IS. NO. MAGIC. INSTANT. CURE. I researched for so long hoping this to be the case, but once the stomach flares up, that flare up can last as long as your body wants it to. Patience is key here. I now have a newfound appreciation for a peaceful stomach.

Stay strong people. BE PATIENT, you can and will overcome this.

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Re: It Does Get Better

Post by Helico_expert »

Thanks for sharing this encouraging message.

I agree on what you shared. Stay positive. Stay strong.

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