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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Gas feeling stuck on chest while sleeping

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Gas feeling stuck on chest while sleeping

Post by toniW »

Hello everyone,

I have a long history of gasritis issue since my early 20s.

The worst part of my symptom I find is when I am laying down
the gas gets worse and makes me get palpitations and its inpossible to sleep as when ever I am about to fall asleep my breathing feels like it stops and makes me wake up gasping for air. I have to get up in a sitting position and burp it out like 3 times i notice and then I find some comfort.

I also notice my bowl movement is slow when this issue happens like if i eat a meal like at 8pm the bowl movement only happens the next morning almost like 11hrs later.

I tested back in 2011 positive for hpylori. Completed the treatment but I still notice some days I would get this gas issue but not frequently much.

But the past few weeks the gasritist has flared up a lot and I barely get more than 3 hrs of sleep. I just did my hpylori test again waiting for the result.

I am just checking if other people here have experienced similar symtoms like me espescially the discomfort when trying to sleep?

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Re: Gas feeling stuck on chest while sleeping

Post by Helico_expert »

have you check if your treatment is successful in eradicating H. pylori? any more breath test since the treatment?

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