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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

H pylori existing independently in the gums and mouth a source of re-infection ( studies )

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H pylori existing independently in the gums and mouth a source of re-infection ( studies )

Post by warsameu »

as someone who has been suffering with persistent periodontal disease this is horrible to read - that h pylori can exist independently in the mouth and is a source of re-infection. What can be done to identify if gum disease is a symptom of our h pylori and what can be done to eradicate this. This is so very stressful, because I can be certain my persistent gum disease is because of h pylori as it came out of nowhere.

H. pylori has been identified in the oral cavity, been examined for its presence in the dental plaque and saliva as a reservoir for infection/re-infection of the stomach, as well as its potential role in the pathogenesis of a number of oral diseases and disorders. These include recurrent aphthous stomatitis and periodontal disease, as well as squamous cell carcinoma, burning mouth syndrome and halitosis 5. This review concluded that the oral cavity is an important extra-gastric source of H. pylori, and that following treatment of H. pylori in the stomach, the oral cavity can be a source of re-infection of that organ. ... -diseases/

here is the study done with children ... 017-0361-x

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Re: H pylori existing independently in the gums and mouth a source of re-infection ( studies )

Post by Helico_expert »

Oral H. pylori is a very controversial discussion.
I personally believe that H. pylori can only colonise in the stomach lining. H. pylori can present temporarily in the mouth, but it cannot colonise in the mouth.

Some studies only provide PCR as evidence. But as we know PCR can have many false positive result. In addition, having remnants of DNA doesnt mean the H. pylori is viable.

some studies showed that they successfully cultured H. pylori from the dental cavity, which I always suspect if it is true. Because we ourselves have no success in culturing H. pylori from the dental plague.

Nevertheless, antibiotics are absorbed in our blood stream and attack ALL germs everywhere in the body. If you are taking clarithromycin, you can constantly taste the metallic bitterness in your saliva. That is the clarithromycin being secreted in your saliva. So, If there is H. pylori in the mouth, it will be killed.

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