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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Stopping Post-Treatment PPI Usage

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Posts: 25
Joined: Fri Oct 30, 2020 9:40 pm

Stopping Post-Treatment PPI Usage

Post by CheerfulSatchel »

Good afternoon, everybody!

(Age: 24, marathon runner, living in USA)

I was diagnosed with H Pylori after a stool test in mid-October and completed the quad therapy treatment for 14 days
(PPI = Omezaprole + clarithromycin + metronidazole + amoxicillin). Before this, I've never had trouble with my stomach. My initial symptoms were just abdominal pains in the upper quadrants. Post-treatment i've got back pain, a chronic sore throat, slightly blurry vision, and same pain areas... hooray :mrgreen: )

The moment I finished the 14th day, I cold-turkey dropped all meds, including stopping the PPI. I plan on getting a breath, stool, and endoscopy in the first week of December for eradication confirmation.

I am still feeling the stomach "sores", although they certainly are way less constant and painful now. Maybe a flare-up every 3 hours now.

Is it okay if I stopped PPIs entirely right after treatment? Is it safe to go on and off PPIs if say, in the event that my H Pylori is still active a month later or for ulcer treatment after endoscopy?

Thank you for the input! You are all awesome and be well! :D

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Re: Stopping Post-Treatment PPI Usage

Post by Helico_expert »

Usually the doctor would ask you to gradually stop the PPI instead of stopping it immediately to prevent a sudden influx of acid and cause reflux symptoms.

However, most people feels ok by stopping PPI directly.

If you do have acid reflux problem or symptoms related to having too much acid, including pain, you can try famotidine. It will not affect the breath/stool test later on.

Posts: 25
Joined: Fri Oct 30, 2020 9:40 pm

Re: Stopping Post-Treatment PPI Usage

Post by CheerfulSatchel »

Got it, thank you so much again for all your help on this forum! I'll be back to provide updates in the upcoming months.

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