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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Symptoms After Treatment

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Re: Symptoms After Treatment

Post by Helico_expert »

I am not sure if H. pylori plays a role in it.
like you said, there is very little evidence that support that.
Nevertheless, H. pylori sort of "excites" the immune system. Since everyone's immune response got "excited" differently, perhaps that's why not everyone got the same symptoms.

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Re: Symptoms After Treatment

Post by Gingerneer321 »

My test results came back negative yesterday, hopefully I waited long enough for this to be a true negative result. I do feel pretty well at the moment, though I have not been able to pass the baking soda stomach acid test lately. I have been drinking 1/4 tsp of baking soda in 4oz. of water first thing when I get up, and timing for any burps, which I have had none in the last 4 or 5 days. I wonder if there is any remedy to help stimulate the production of gastric acid that anyone knows of?

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Re: Symptoms After Treatment

Post by noonanas »

After you eradicate you can try to raise your Acid by taking HCL with pepsin with meals (those with protein especially) also diluted apple cider vinegar in water 20 minutes before meals and/or digestive bitters you can get from a health food store will all help with raising your acid levels. Many practitioners do this during h pylori eradication but I chose not to because there’s mixed opinions on whether that will help h pylori survive. Hope this helps:)

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Re: Symptoms After Treatment

Post by ecpunk »

I've read numerous accounts of people having episodes which become less common week after week, as helico expert described. If you are negative, hopefully this is what is happening with you.

Your doctor is the first I've heard describe the association of mast cell stabilization & histamines with h pylori. I came across that in numerous studies on the nih site, so good on your doctor for keeping up on their information.

Because of finding this, I personally started taking an H2 antagonist. There are 4 histamine types, H1, H2, ... I have taken an H1 antagonist (desloratidine/clarinex) for allergies for years. An example of an H2 antagonist was something like Zantac/ranatidine (which is no longer available), but fomotidine/Pepcid is a good alternative. H1/H2 histamines exist in your gut, H3 exists in your brain and general central nervous system. I think it was somewhat recent, the last decade or so, that it was discovered that histamine from the stomach can pass the blood brain barrier and influence cognition, mood, and other function. Out of desperation, I started the H2 antagonist last Monday, as well as a mast cell stabilizer. I'm as western as it comes with medicine, but I stumbled across Holy Basil/Tulsi, and started taking it as well. It has been life changing for me. My cognitive ability has been so compromised since the switch flipped in my head months ago. I normally have a memory I would put up against anyone else. I took a neuro psych test a month ago and had lost 40+ IQ points, and spaced out during much of it. Within a week of treating the mast cell (potential) issue, I'm 90% better. I was MUCH better after 2 days, it is amazing. Anyway, if you're up for being a guinea pig, buy some of the Holy Basil and give it a shot. Lastly, I've had some unpleasant, in the smell dept, bowel movements that weren't painful. The smell is of death though. I am h pylori positive still, and have been for at least 5 years, potentially 18 as I've been married that long, and

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Re: Symptoms After Treatment

Post by Gingerneer321 »

Update: I have been feeling worse lately, most of my symptoms are returning and my stomach seems to feel worse than before at times. This doesn't feel like an "episode", it feels more like symptoms are returning and staying. I am thinking about having another test done to see if the h. pylori is coming back, maybe the blood test to see if the numbers have changed (falling titer)? I also was reading about SIBO and wonder if I have excessive bacteria in my SI because of nonexistent stomach acid. My stools have been regular, but do seem to be a bit less digested than several weeks ago post treatment. I have been taking HCL pepsin with dinner as well as apple cider vinegar, but it hasn't helped me produce my own acid. Taking dgl does really seems to make my stomach feel better when it feels irritated.

Question for Helico_expert; Do you think getting another h. pylori test is sensible, and if so which would you recommend?

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Re: Symptoms After Treatment

Post by Helico_expert »

I think it's ok to get another follow up test to double confirm. No test is 100%.

what about your family member living under the same roof? have they been tested? perhaps it's good idea to get everyone treated to avoid cross contamination.

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Re: Symptoms After Treatment

Post by Gingerneer321 »

Update: I had a second follow up test done (stool) and it came back negative. I am still having symptoms of fatigue, cloudiness, poor mood, infrequent stomach discomfort that seem to be persistent lately. I also have low to zero gastric acid it seems. I have been learning about SIBO and it's ties to h. pylori infection, so I have started following that diet (low fodmap). It's been about a week, and haven't seen any significant improvements yet. My doctor also brought up SIBO and was going to write me a prescription for antibiotics, I am waiting to see if the diet helps before I go that route. If anyone knows of any tricks to help with gastric acid, other than apple cider vinegar and hcl pepsin supplements, I think that it would help greatly.

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Re: Symptoms After Treatment

Post by ecpunk »

Find an allergist that specializes in mast cell disorders. It is worth looking into.

What led you/your doctor to believe sibo may be the cause? SIBO itself can cause mast cell issues in the gut, which is what actually cause the brain fog, fatigue, mood swings, etc.

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Re: Symptoms After Treatment

Post by Gingerneer321 »

So after 2 negative tests (breath and stool) following my treatment with amox., clarith. and omeparazole, I still have the same symptoms and my stomach discomfort seems to be getting worse lately. The first treatment had me feeling superb for the first week, but then seemed like it started to fail during the second week (possibly resistant?).

My doctor then prescribed me a second antibiotic course for SIBO (no test was done), which I have not started yet, of Metranidazole and doxycicline for 14 days. I am wondering would this be effective on H. Pylori as well if I add a PPI in the mix along with some pepto?

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Re: Symptoms After Treatment

Post by Helico_expert »

It's not good taking medicine yourself without discussing with your doctor.
since you already got two negative tests for H. pylori, it's probably true that you are free of H. pylori now.

Nevertheless, although pepto bismol has anti-bacterial effect, it is unlike common antibiotics. Bacteria cannot become resistant to pepto bismol. Pepto bismol works by coating a layer of heavy metal on your internal skin. So bacteria that touches it dies. So perhaps you can give that a try before anything else.

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