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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

new between h pylori and hair loss?

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Re: new between h pylori and hair loss?

Post by Holisticmind »

Afontes wrote:
Thu Feb 11, 2016 7:34 am
I hope your hair grew back beautifully since a while has passed since your post. I also experienced years of hair loss and autoimmune disease tied to a long running hpylori infection that my gastro doc failed to diagnose. Thank goodness I finally went for a second opinion as the infection had spread throughout my entire digestive tract and beyond. I am finally able to eat some normal food again and my hair is growing in quickly. It was also very devastating for me. I think h.pylori activates a leaky gut response in some people, which can lead to additional illnesses and syndromes. I hope our experiences can enlighten others who are struggling with something similar they don't understand.
Hi Afontes,

I just joined this forum and the reason is my 9 years old daughter who is going through a lot due to H pylori. She has tremendous hair loss and not able to gain the weight. H Pylori is not letting her absorb the nutrients. Just want to know what worked for you and how did you fix your hair loss. Thanks

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Re: new between h pylori and hair loss?

Post by Helico_expert »

sorry for the late respond.
I am not sure if H. pylori is related to hair loss.

It is common for children to carry H. pylori.
But children are normally asymptomatic and because antibiotics could disturb the development of their microbiome, we dont normally recommend treatment for children.

However, since your child is obviously affected by H. pylori, you can check with the doctor about vonoprazan and amoxicillin, dual drug therapy. This combination should be safe for children.

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Re: new between h pylori and hair loss?

Post by dharmsi »

smithj wrote:
Wed Jul 20, 2016 7:58 pm
Helico_expert wrote:I am not sure if H. pylori is correlated to hair loss. However, it has generally been believed that H. pylori infect human since young. Studies have shown that people as young as 2 years old has already been infected with H. pylori.

H. pylori infected almost 50% of the world population. However not everyone is symptomatic. Many people carry it without knowing for life.
Hair transplant is a very good solution for hair loss. But a good, skilled surgeon is the precondition. It's possible to give a normal look after first setting of hair transplant surgery if surgery is done by skilled hand with latest technology...
Effective treatment for hair loss begins with finding the cause. To get an accurate diagnosis, it helps to see a board-certified dermatologist. These doctors have in-depth knowledge about the many causes of hair loss and experience treating the diverse causes.
Medihair India

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