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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

How accurate is the HP breath test. Thanks

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How accurate is the HP breath test. Thanks

Post by trigger »

Im going for breath test and it is expensive, so I am wondering if it is effective?
Im eating a ton of crap this weekend before the test Monday...

I have "rosacea" and now believe it was H Pylori for many reasons....
Can HP exist on face, at least for awhile? Cause reddish spots that resemble mosquito bite?
thanks for any info

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Re: How accurate is the HP breath test. Thanks

Post by Helico_expert »

Breath test is reasonably accurate. I believe you have to avoid food (or drug) that may reduce stomach acid before breath test.

the mechanism behind is, stomach is a very acidic environment. H. pylori has to produce a strong alkaline urea to neutralise the acidic environment. when food (or drug) is taken to reduce stomach acid, H. pylori stop producing urea and urease from breath test will fail. hence false negative.

about your "rosy cheek", I find it interesting. because H. pylori is very hard to grow in laboratory. It will not grow happily with the air we are breathing (too much oxygen). so, it has to be cultured in a higher CO2 environment. therefore, i dont think it can grow on your skin or under your skin. however, I dont know if it has something to do to your hormone and give you "rosy cheek".

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Re: How accurate is the HP breath test. Thanks

Post by trigger »

Thanks Helico!

my story is a bit long but here goes: Its for your information..... :geek:

My rosacea is bad since December and i read about demodex mites. I read that oil of oregano when applied to skin kills these critters. I got the oil but after seeing how potent it was I decided not to put on my face, im just too sensitive. A few days after i read one can put 1-2 drops on tooth brush with toothpaste to have fresh breath in the morning. I thought why not?

My rosacea: I flush easy but not that much, and my gut is sensitve forever in my life. Plus, i have the joy of red spots that resemble a mosquito bites. Only wake up with these spots, I never develop them in the day, rarely. I have often wondered why only in morning? Im older, so this isnt typical teenage acne, or even regular acne as red raised bumps. Looks like acne though, and can last an hour or up to 4 days...

Ok, so after i used the oil on my toothbrush i dont get red bumps anymore in the morning! It takes me a few days to link it to the oil...

Then, I went to dermatologist after a 3 month wait to see her, and i told her of the spots and sore gut. She is sending me for pylori breath test and ova parasites test.

Then I read the oil of oregano kills pylori??? So i thought, maybe the oil in my mouth kills them before they crawl onto my face at night and drill me like and hence the mosquito like bumps... Does oil of oregano kill pylori is this really true?

My instinct on pylori lifespan this has been since spots are limited to 2-4 evrey morning, they dont live outside the mouth long. But since they can be transmitted in saliva is it so far fetched to think they could get on the facial skin and bite? or drill, whatever they do...

I have super sensitive skin and I cant put on makeup or wash it more than one time a day. I cant wear sunscreen, i get pimples from any of that. If pylori is biting my face, it would look like a red bump, i think.... but these things are smail, but I remember getting red bumps from bugs that bite I cant even see called noseums in the cari bean.....

I know oil of oregano cant be a cure or 100% cure for pylori but kills any in the mouth or tries to pass thru the mouth at night? by me putting the 2 drops on my toothbrush....

sorry for bad writing i am tired, I am not challenging you on your prior post, but these red spots come from somewhere and why the oil of oregano stops me from getting them?


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Re: How accurate is the HP breath test. Thanks

Post by Helico_expert »

interesting story. But i am not expert in skin or how oregano oil kill H. pylori. i still find it hard to believe H. pylori has anything to do with your rosacea. your poor stomach probably have some correlation to H. pylori, but not sure about your face. Since it's usually in the morning, perhaps is your pillow case that need a wash? However, if you like to send me some oregano oil with the concentration labelled, i can do some test on them and see if H. pylori is really sensitive to oregano oil.

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Re: How accurate is the HP breath test. Thanks

Post by trigger »

Hi Helico

This is on the label:
Wild mmediterranean carvacrol 93%
it is in olive oil

manufacturer New Roots herbal in Canada

Helico, where are you located? Your research will be very interesting, will you post results?

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Re: How accurate is the HP breath test. Thanks

Post by trigger »

Oh, my pillow cases are very clean and hypo allergenic, I tested this theory long ago and now wash them twice a week in sensitive soap and rince at least twice :D

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Re: How accurate is the HP breath test. Thanks

Post by Helico_expert »

I will post results if you want to send me the some oil sample. or, you'll have to wait till september, when my colleague return from a conference in vancouver.

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Re: How accurate is the HP breath test. Thanks

Post by barjammar »

The thought is that rosacea is an immune response in some way to Helicoabcter. Its not proven actually but some dermatologists observe improvement after a strong antibiotic course such as that used for Helicobacter. So was it caused by helicobacter? Or - was it caused by some other bug wich responds to the antibiotics treatment? :shock:
Check the link below for information on hard-to-treat cases. Then search the forums for questions and answers similar to yours.

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Re: How accurate is the HP breath test. Thanks

Post by yommytec »

I am of the believe that HP breath test is reasonably accurate. However, there are always some things that you need not to take prior to the test. Stuffs that can reduce stomach acidic level is always advised to be avoided before the test.

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Re: How accurate is the HP breath test. Thanks

Post by michaelbarring »

Would anyone have any advice on this. I have just had a negative breathtest result for Helicobacter, a private Dr had suggested I ask for the stool antigen test but the only one my Dr was prepared to do was the breath test (urea tab). This has come back neg. the only thing is I do have the most awful GI symptoms, massive reflux problem, stomache pain, food intolerance - It maybe that these are just the symptoms of a system under severe stress but my private DR is now on a sabbatical so cannot ask why she had suggested stool antigen and if the fact it wasn't would affect reliability.
non acidic foods

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