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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

H. Pylori and chronic fatigue syndrome

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H. Pylori and chronic fatigue syndrome

Post by niamhyd »


Following on from my previous post I am curious to know if anyone thinks there is a connections between hp and cfs.

In july of 2005 I caught an unknown virus and in november of that year I tested positive for hp. I was given triple therapy and over time I made improvements with my stomach symptoms, although no follow up test was done. I continued to experience severe fatigue and was eventually diagnosed with CFS. Overtime I made further improvement and eventually returned to part time work in 2010. I struggled to cope with this over the last year and then the stomach symptoms came back which were very familiar to me. I explained this to my GP and for some reason he was reluctant to give me a breath test. Eventually he treated me blind for HP and I have experienced a really difficult few months with poor appetite and burning pain in my stomach. I dont experience heartburn or acid reflux. I continue to take 20mgs of losec per day but I think my diet has more effect on my symptoms than the med, although i am sure it has helped.

In my case i feel there is a strong chance the hp infection could be the key to my diagnoses of CFS. I would be interested to hear another view on this.


Martin in Glasgow

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Re: H. Pylori and chronic fatigue syndrome

Post by barjammar »

You are correct. Sometimes people with Hp have a CFS type problem. Treat the Hp and you MUST confirm cure. Expect improvement and acid levels may increase so take the Losec (PPI) and carry antacid until you settle down.
Check the link below for information on hard-to-treat cases. Then search the forums for questions and answers similar to yours.

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