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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Subsequent problems after treatment

The cure of Hp usually requires antibiotics. Other things have been tried and have a weaker effect.

Moderator: barjammar

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Subsequent problems after treatment

Post by GrahamH »

I'm trying to establish whether there is any connection between treatment for Duodenal ulcers and H Plyori and subsequent bowel irregularities i.e. Diverticulitis as a result of treatment. This is purely a personal matter having experienced bowel irregularities ever since being treated for a Duodenal ulcer and H Plyori almost 3 years ago. I'm a healthy 62 year old with no previous bowell problems, examinmations have identified Diverticulitis, it's been suggested that I change my diet, more fibre and water which is fine. However when I ask why has there been a sudden change after 60 years (not gradual) no one seems to know or give an explanation. There doesn't seem to be any specific research on the effects of treatment here in the uk and I wondered if your research had touched on this issue


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Re: Subsequent problems after treatment

Post by cmc »

** Some parts of this message seem naturopathic but have been allowed to remain (barjammar) **
If you had such a heavy treatment to eradicate Hp, then rest assured the diverticulitis is not from the treatment neither from the Hp. After the age of 55yr a lot of us have diverticulitis.
I agree with Prof Barry that a lot of irritabilities remain after treatment and like he said it will be good to search for all other digestive system infections. Also make sure not to have fungal infection after treatment with helicobacter.
My advice will be to use for a time a diet with the least irritants in and adviced by another natural health care professional is to eat brown rice, feta and mozzarella cheese, drink lots of green tea and eat broccolli, tuna, basil, turmeric, chicken, beetroot, fish.
And likewise exclude all flour products, all milkproducts,(ALL!), no sugars, no tomato, no oranges, no yellow cheese, no hot foods like curry etc.

(No bread or close-related breadlike foods!)
Furthermore try to excercise especially pilates as it regulates the colon nicely back to normal even with diverticulitis.

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Re: Subsequent problems after treatment

Post by admin »

Hi there. I don't go along with CMC - it seems strange to eat all kinds of spices of one sort then omit all kinds of other things. Try it if you want to - it seems rather harmless.
I say this. If you have had colon cancer excluded by colonoscopy, then you can pretty much eat what suits you. I expect that GERD/reflux, air swallowing and too much fiber could be issues here. Just keep away from too much carbohydrate and fat, keep weight steady, and not too much fiber as it causes gas. Take an acid blocker if you have any heartburn symptoms or hiatus hernia etc. See how that goes.
If this is a helicobacter treatment aftermath it will settle with time - so anything you do will seem to have worked. Isn't that placebo effect great! :D
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