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Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
The 5th Chinese Helicobacter treatment consensus
How long should I wait before doing follow up breath/stool test?

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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Slight pain and bad breath

The cure of Hp usually requires antibiotics. Other things have been tried and have a weaker effect.

Moderator: barjammar

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Slight pain and bad breath

Post by prakashb75 »

I had mildpain and bad breath and gas release after drinking water.My endoscopy is normal showing only mild antral gastritis but still mild pain and gas release presists.Please help me to know what will be the causes

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Re: Slight pain and bad breath

Post by barjammar »

You did not say if you did or did not have H.pylori. Gastritis can mean many things - red stomach, erosions from aspirin etc., or actualy gastritis on biopsy caused by H.pylori. "Gas" means swallowing air (possibly a reflex action due to sensations in the oesophagus, from acid reflux oesophagitis or hiatus hernia etc.), sometimes lactose intolerance (milk intolerance/lactase enzyme deficiency), or fibre excess in the diet (bacteria in the colon make CO2 according to how much carnohydrtae (sugars and plant material) are reaching there. Sometimes bacteria can collect in the small intestine and cause gas release from normal food, and anyone who cannot digest food properly will have "gas". You can research these things on the internet.
Finally, if there is any sign of H.pylori on blood test or biopsy, the treat that first and then see how it goes. 8-)
Check the link below for information on hard-to-treat cases. Then search the forums for questions and answers similar to yours.

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