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Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
The 5th Chinese Helicobacter treatment consensus
How long should I wait before doing follow up breath/stool test?

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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Need to find an EXPERT!! Have been sick since January

The cure of Hp usually requires antibiotics. Other things have been tried and have a weaker effect.

Moderator: barjammar

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Need to find an EXPERT!! Have been sick since January

Post by seleah »

How do I find an expert on h. pylori in Phoenix, AZ? I have had an infection since January. But my situation is not like most. My problems started out with chest pain and I started seeing doctors for that. I also had neck pain. Then I started getting this pressure in my neck, it eventually went to a burning sensation going into my face, then my whole head. Then it turned into pressure in my frontal sinuses, then excruciating pressure in my whole head that almost sent me to emergency. The last thing that happened was my eyes and my mouth dried out in March (this happened over the course of a month and a half maybe). My stomach starting bothering me around that time too. I had no idea what was wrong and went to different doctors and got tons of tests done. I finally went to a GI doctor about my stomach after having a positive h pylori antibodies test (but negative HpSA test) and they did an endoscopy with biopsy and confirmed h pylori infection. I was put on metronidazole and clarithromycin plus omeprazole for 10 days which didn't work. Urea breath test after 4 weeks confirmed I was still infected. Then I had another endoscopy with biopsy done with the intent to do sensitivity testing on the h pylori. But the h pylori could not be cultured, I strongly suspect because it had already turned into the coccoid form, although most doctors don't know what that is or means. So then I was put on amoxycillin, levofloxacin, bismuth and rabeprazole for 10 days. I messed up my last urea breath test because I had taken some metronidazole during the weeks before it for another infection I had. So it came back negative. I just did another urea breath test and don't have the results yet, but am worried it will come out negative because I know h pylori turns into the coccoid form (especially after amoxycilin) and is not very detectable by urea breath test once in this form. So how do they even confirm infection if it is in that form? And my HpSA tests are coming out negative even though I am infected! I still have bad stomach pain, abdominal pain, when I go to the bathroom it's borderline diarhea all the time. But I also have chest pain, pressure and soreness in neck/throat, and in head, and dry eyes and the feeling like something is all around my eyes (in my frontal sinuses). I have been checked for EVERYTHING, I DON'T have sjogrens or any autoimmune. Doctors have found no other explanation for my other symptoms yet tell me "No, it can't be h pylori!!!" So I guess it's just a coincidence all these symptoms happened to me when I go the h pylori infection and over the course of a few weeks I felt something PROGRESSIVELY COLONIZE FROM MY CHEST UP TO MY HEAD??? I feel absolutely horrible all the time now and I don't feel like any doctor is helping me or knows enough about this to help me. Most doctors don't even know what biofilm is or how to break it down!! If I ask my doctor about the coccoid form of h pylori, he probably won't know anything. If my urea breath test comes back negative, would another biopsy of my stomach show if the coccoid form of h pylori is present? I really want to see an expert on this, but I don't know where to turn or look for one. If anyone can help, I'd be so very grateful as my health has turned into an absolute mess. Thank you.

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Re: Need to find an EXPERT!! Have been sick since January

Post by bump101 »

Alright bro, After 8 years and numerous doctors with failed drugs I have a little advice. The best way to get rid of this is to 1. pray, 2. take 1-2 tbls of colloidal silver twice a day everyday--this is the safest and most effective treatment. I did two rounds of the PrevPac back-to-back (the only real treatment plan used these days by MD's) and it caused new problems without curing the old ones. Afterwards, I picked up colloidal at the local health food store and it seems to have done the trick in just 2 weeks 3. take acidophilus enzymes until you are tired of them and then take them some more 4. take 2 digestestive enzymes everytime that you put something in your mouth (I like the ones by Natrol but Zygest is an extremely good brand as well) 5. if you can find someone that does "Ozone Treatments" then go to them. It will make you feel a hundred times better 6 Also, you can give Dr Al colwell in Tomball, Tx (Houston subs)...he has a great natural remedy as well
As for as a MD goes, good can probably nix thing a bunch of money...and feel better...
Trust me, I have been to numerous "experts" and they have no legite answers. Go to a Naturopath or someone of the like if you just have to go to a Dr.
Good luck

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Joined: Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:28 pm

Re: Need to find an EXPERT!! Have been sick since January

Post by bau »

i cant take silver either, Im allergic when I even wear a pendant I get a rash around it :(

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