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Post treatment and healing

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2021 11:33 pm
by Hpuk
Hi Helico_expert,

You told me to let you know how I get on. So after my second round of antibiotics I did a stool test 3 weeks after (was advised by Gp to) thought it was a bit odd as usually everywhere I read you should wait 4 weeks.

Regardless I tested negative normal stool sample (bit worried if it is false positive).

Anyways I still have inflammation from h pylori damage and looking to solve this issue. I have read from other forums of people taking Dgl liquorice, Slippery elm, aloe Vera which is supposed to coat the stomach lining to help it heal.

I also was wondering should I take a ppi once a day or twice a day to try and heal.

Any foods to avoid?

Are these supplements useful and what would be the best protocol?

Thank you for taking the time to help me, it's greatly appreciated

Re: Post treatment and healing

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2021 9:47 am
by Helico_expert
I tested negative normal stool sample
seems like your treatment is successful.
Most importantly is to get rid of H. pylori and the inflammation will gradually reduce.
Unfortunately the healing is subjective to the severity of the damage done by H. pylori. Some people recover within weeks, some take months, and some take years.
In general, the younger you are, the better the recovery.

When you are free of H. pylori, you can eat whatever you want that make you feel good.
You can try Dgl liquorice, Slippery elm, aloe Vera and etc, and if you feel that it's helpful, just continue until you think it's enough.

I normally just go for mint tea. But what works for me may not be working for you. So you will need to do a bit of experiment on it to find out the best strategy for you.

Re: Post treatment and healing

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2021 5:03 pm
by Hpuk
Brilliant, thank you for all the help. Without your guidance and expertise to change the ppi and take it 3 times a day, combined with pepto bismol I don't think I would have got this far. You guys do all this work for free to help people across the world that are struggling in their daily lives, and for this we are all grateful even if we can't tell you in person. Hopefully I recover soon, and good health all on here!

Re: Post treatment and healing

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2022 5:39 am
by Selesele
Prosla sam trojnu terapiju koja mi je bila uzasna. Osjecala sam se gore dok sam je pila vec prije nje. Terapija je trajala 10 dana. Poslije terapije sam nastavila piti PPI i vitamin c i Osjecala sam se jos gore nego pod terapijom. Dok sam pila terapiju dokt mi je rekla da pijem ulje od curukota, tako sam ga nastavila piti i dalje. U razgovoru sa jednom prijateljicom mi je rekla da mi je i ulje i PPI i vitamin c tesko za zeludac
Je li to normalno i da li je neko imao slicno iskustvo
I osjeca se strasno umorno i bezvoljno. Cekam jos 10 dana pa da radim test na stolicu
Hvala svima koji procita ju i daju mi neki savjet

Re: Post treatment and healing

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:00 pm
by Helico_expert
Google Translation
I went through triple therapy which was horrible for me. I felt worse as I drank it before. The therapy lasted 10 days. After the therapy I continued to drink PPI and vitamin c and I felt even worse than under the therapy. While I was drinking the therapy, the doctor told me to drink curukot oil, so I continued to drink it. In a conversation with a friend, she told me that both oil and PPI and vitamin c are hard for my stomach
Is that normal and has anyone had a similar experience
And he feels terribly tired and listless. I'm waiting another 10 days to do a stool test
Thanks to everyone who reads it and gives me some advice
Hi, Thanks for sharing your story here. I just want to point out that you cannot do breath/stool test when you are on PPI. You'll need to stop PPI for at least 2 weeks before breath/stool test. Although there is no guideline to herbs, such as curukot oil, and breath/stool test, if you think they can reduce bacterial load, you should stop it for at least 2 weeks too.

if you are experiencing bad reflux and rely on PPI, then you can ask your doctor for H2 blockers, such as ranitidine. You can continue any H2 blockers until the night before the breath/stool test.

In general, herbs and probiotics are usually harmless and therefore it's ok to take them before, during, or after the treatment. If you think they help relief your symptoms, go ahead and continue. If you dont feel any difference, then stop and look for alternative.

Google Translate

Pozdrav, hvala što ste podijelili svoju priču ovdje. Samo želim istaknuti da ne možete raditi test daha/stolice kada ste na PPI. Morat ćete prekinuti PPI najmanje 2 tjedna prije testa daha/stolice. Iako ne postoje smjernice za ljekovito bilje, kao što je ulje kurukota i test zadaha/stolice, ako mislite da mogu smanjiti bakterijsko opterećenje, trebali biste ga također prekinuti na najmanje 2 tjedna.

ako imate loš refluks i oslanjate se na PPI, tada možete zatražiti od svog liječnika H2 blokatore, kao što je ranitidin. Možete nastaviti s bilo kojim H2 blokatorima do noći prije testa daha/stolice.

Općenito, biljke i probiotici su obično bezopasni i stoga ih je u redu uzimati prije, tijekom ili nakon tretmana. Ako mislite da vam pomažu u ublažavanju simptoma, samo naprijed. Ako ne osjećate nikakvu razliku, stanite i potražite alternativu.

Re: Post treatment and healing

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 5:20 am
by Selesele
Prekinula sam sa PPI vec nekih 10 dana i sacekacu jos 10 dana, ne pijem ni vitamin c, sad cu prestati i ulje od crnog kima, najveći problem sto mi se desi sad je taj neki kamen koji mi se desi poslije obroka

Re: Post treatment and healing

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 9:26 am
by Helico_expert
Google Translate
I stopped taking PPI for about 10 days and I will wait another 10 days, I don't drink vitamin C, now I will stop black cumin oil, the biggest problem that happens to me now is that some stone that happens to me after a meal
Good if you can stop the black cumin oil and PPI for another 10 days. Vitamin C is fine if you want to continue. It helps with the recovery.
It's interesting that you mentioned stone.. what kind of stone? gall bladder stone?

Google Translate

Dobro ako možete zaustaviti ulje crnog kima i PPI još 10 dana. Vitamin C je u redu ako želite da nastavite. Pomaže u oporavku.
Zanimljivo da ste spomenuli kamen.. kakav kamen? kamen u žučnoj kesi?

Re: Post treatment and healing

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2022 6:55 pm
by Abubakar
When you are free of H. pylori, you can eat whatever you want that make you feel good.

Though after abx I tested negative twice at UBT, but as still after 6 months I have all of my symptoms, I am confused about the UBT result. So, regarding your above-mentioned comments, I want to know if I am still positive, what food I should avoid? Can I take sweet fruits like banana, papaya, apple, dates, watermelon and honey, date molasses etc. I am avoiding all foods with refined and artificial sugar but what about foods with natural sugar? As people used to say even fruits sugar feeds h pylori. Can u please share your kind opinion about this.

Right now I am taking bland diet with ppi and domperidon for symptoms solution.
I finished my 2nd abx at 9th sep, 2021.

Re: Post treatment and healing

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2022 2:41 pm
by Abubakar
Hello helico expert... Waiting for your kind reply about my aforementioned query.

Re: Post treatment and healing

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2022 9:06 am
by Helico_expert
Hello helico expert... Waiting for your kind reply about my aforementioned query.
I am sorry, what was your question?

is it about diet after H. pylori treatment?
if so, then yes you can have whatever you want after H. pylori treatment. As long as you are free of H. pylori, your symptoms should gradually improve. There are some cases where the symptoms can persist. If the damage is permanent, then you'll have to find ways to help with the symptoms.