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Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
The 5th Chinese Helicobacter treatment consensus
How long should I wait before doing follow up breath/stool test?

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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

In the Middle of treatment for H-pylori

The cure of Hp usually requires antibiotics. Other things have been tried and have a weaker effect.

Moderator: barjammar

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In the Middle of treatment for H-pylori

Post by Jasiyas »

I’m so happy I found this forum. Reading some of everyone’s experiences does give me more hope. I’m in the middle of the rough water right now but I will update everyone with my journey.

For many months now, maybe 6, I didn’t know what was going on with me. I felt the upper chess congestion and thought maybe It’s from the cold flu season. Then I thought maybe it’s from allergies. I would try to take mucinex to try and help now and then. I didn’t pay attention much to my slow weight lost. My husband is super healthy and I thought it’s because we been eating healthy and a little less. I’ve dropped 20 lbs. It was my niece that suggest that I take Prilosec and it actually helped. I’ve also been dealing with lower back pain. This has been for almost a year now so I don’t know if it is separate or not. The last week however, my back ache seem to be less pain.

On 08/24/20 I tested my stool for H-pylori and it came back positive.
The doctor gave me:
-40mg Omeprazole (20mg-morning/20mg-night)
-2000mg Amoxicillin (1000mg-morning/1000mg-night)
-Clarithromycin 1000mg (500mg-morning/500mg-night)

Today I’m on day 7 of taking the medicine. 5 days ago I started to journal my day to day. What I eat, when, and whenever I pee. I’m constantly feeling the need for water and peeing every hour. I’m 6ft and was at 180lbs 6 months ago and now 158lbs. I’m 40 now, and I haven’t been a this skinny since my teen. I was only aware of my suppressed appetite the last 5 days so I’m making a conscious effort now to eat more. I thought before my lack of energy was from anxiety and depression and my weight lost was me eating healthier. The last 5 days I noticed how hard it is for me to eat now that I’m paying attention, Especially the first meal. Every bite is a force. Breakfast for me the last 6 months has been oatmeal with honey and banana. During this time, i sometimes skip lunch and only eat dinner later with fish or chicken with vegetables stir fry and brown rice.

The last 5 days I try to make sure I put as much into me as possible. I’ve been having same breakfasts with the oatmeal honey banana, lunch varies from chicken soup to wraps. Each time I’m weak and have to fight through to get it in me. I snack with several bananas through out the day, sweet potatoes. I try to eat a small portion of kimchi each day along with a bottle of Kampucha probiotic drink and coconut and pedialyte. yesterday because I only had chicken soup for lunch, my energy was very low and anxiety super high. It took me a bit but I made myself finish a bowl of pasta around 7pm and then another small bowl Of pasta and some baked sweet potatoes at 9pm. Despite my effort to eat more the last 5 days, I still manage to loose 2 additional lbs. I’m sure it’s part anxiety and stress but the weakness from it all makes my anxiety that much higher, along with not knowing when I will get better. I’m only assuming but it scares me that I don’t know for sure or what to do to get my weight up. I ordered some protein shake and will squeeze that in tomorrow.

The good news however is that I have less push back with the acid reflux. Food seems to go down to my stomach as suppose to feeling top abdominal heavy before. I don’t have much problem once the food is in me. It’s just the eating it that I struggle with. I do feel a little nauseous in the morning sometimes and feel a taste of stomach bile but usually go away when I have food in me.

Half of this battle is mental for me as I already dealing with anxiety and depression. With my energy barely there I find myself resting in bed for the most part. My sleep is all over the place.

I have a video call appointment with my doctor on the 8th. A Nutrient specialist on 14th and Gastroenterologist on the 18th. This will be my first time seeing a specialist and tell them what I’m going through. I’m nervous, and part of my anxiety is what if they find something. My dad had colon cancer.

If anyone experiencing weight lost and have any suggestions to help gain please share. I’m so worried as my weight for my height is so low.

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Re: In the Middle of treatment for H-pylori

Post by Helico_expert »

Thanks for sharing your story.

It's ok to have a bit of weight lost during treatment. It's probably due to the side effect of the antibiotics. But usually patients gain weight after successfully eradicate H. pylori, due to having a healthier stomach, and better appetite.

So, try complete your current treatment and make sure you get a follow up breath test to confirm the eradication.

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