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Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Post-antibiotics: anything to help healing, remaining symptoms

The cure of Hp usually requires antibiotics. Other things have been tried and have a weaker effect.

Moderator: barjammar

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Post-antibiotics: anything to help healing, remaining symptoms

Post by Atxjen »

This is my first post. Out sixteen-year-old daughter was diagnosed with h.pylori after a GI-MAP stool test early Dec. she had lost a considerable amount of weight in a short period of time despite a healthy diet (gluten, dairy, no processed foods, etc.) and good caloric intake. She suffered from stomach pain, hair thinning/loss, cold hands/feet, pale, no menstral cycle, constipation, bloating, thyroid levels were somewhat off, and iron absorption deficiency.

She is being seen by a holistic practitioner who has her taking multivitamin, iron (non-contispating kind), Vitamin D spray, rehydration drops, probiotic, Advantril (for gas, bloating), hypathamous drops (for cold, period, hair loss) and supplement powder for inflammation.

Her pediatrician had her do triple therapy (Amoxicillin, Nexium, the other antibiotic starting with a C :). Her breath test last week came back negative.

She saw a pediatric endocrinologist (who I quickly deduced knew very little about the correlation btwn h.pylori and thyroid issues

She then saw a pediatric gastrointestial specialist who ordered an abdominal X-ray. She had her do the two-day miralax and Elax clean out prior. X-ray came back suspecting she was highly impacted even after and they have her repeating the cleanse and the X-ray. Her pediatrician ruled out inflammatory disease and Celiacs via blood test.

She is miserable with constipation, bloating and hardness in her lower abdominal area. It’s like she is cleansed out, eats and it doesn’t come out, she blocks up again a few days later. post-cleanse, they want her taking 1-3 capfuls of Miralax and 1 Elax for two weeks to get her intestine and bowels moving on their own vs an enima for relief.

I have read that healing is different in everyone. We have her doing all of the above, taking peppermint gel tablets, drinking strong peppermint tea (for IBS). We also saw a dietian who is having her eat low FODMAP (strictly). It’s been hard because her stomach feels full and hurts so eating the 2200 calories per day dietian set as goal to regain weight has been hard.

is there anything anyone has done that I haven’t tried? have others had horrible constipation a month after antibiotics? Do you think it’s because her stomach is still healing? Is there anything else I should ask or request of the gastrointestinal specialist?

it breaks my heart to see her suffering daily.

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Re: Post-antibiotics: anything to help healing, remaining symptoms

Post by acb »

Have you tried to give her probiotics? I am taking Pereterenrol. I reduced now but I used to take it twice a day for a long time.
I also have plenty if food allergies type 3 e.g. to milk protein and olive oil and intolerances e.g. to fructose. There are breath tests for intolerances like lactise, fructose and histamine and blood test available for type 3 allergies.
My fructose malabsorption got a bit better after the treatement but it made me really sick before. I could not it any fructose nor sugar for 6 months. It hped a lot though.
Putting back on weight is very difficult. Maybe you should not concentrate on putting back on weight but on enjoying food again. Trying what she likes, what does not make her sick with a food journal, having her cook her on food. For me it worked.
For my post hp diet I am leaving out as much fat as I can and all acid food like vinegar. I try to leave out soda. I am out if sugar anyway but this is also supposed to help.
Good luck!

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Re: Post-antibiotics: anything to help healing, remaining symptoms

Post by Veronica103 »

also Pereterenrol helped

Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:40 pm

Re: Post-antibiotics: anything to help healing, remaining symptoms

Post by tracygreenesq »

I'll ask here in Los Angeles what is recommended. I was just diagnosed with H Pylori in early December.
I grew up in a rural area and when I look back I believe I had it for a long time period. I had periods with no menstruation as a late teen, college student and grad student and young professional. And the symptoms came and went for years.

On the probiotics, I was recommended to do pre-biotics. Saurkraut (I can now make my own with a starter I was given) is great. I was also advised to buy "Non-Dairy Super Probiotic Coconut Yogurt" by Superfoods It is delicious and I eat a couple of spoonfuls in the morning. is "100% Life Pro-Biotic Intelligence" - whatever that means - lol company's phone number is 805-592-2450 (near Santa Barbara, California).

I'lll post the remainder of the supplements when I'm at home. I was given quite a few by a Naturopathic Doctor here in Los Angeles.

If it makes you feel any better, I just spent yesterday (yes, the entire day) at the hospital here in Los Angeles and the lack of knowledge of H. Pylori is astounding as well as the lack of understanding as to how it's related to other conditions. So we have to push and be medical detectives and work on promoting our health and that of our families.

Peace and beset wishes from Los Angeles, Tracy

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