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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Stomach pain after endoscopy (H.Pylori positive)

The cure of Hp usually requires antibiotics. Other things have been tried and have a weaker effect.

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Stomach pain after endoscopy (H.Pylori positive)

Post by JannaB »

I have been sick for over two months and I really need help, my story is not typical though.

I live in Canada but I was temporary living in my home country (Russia) where I went to do a general physical exam (the complain was persistent enlarged lymph nodes in the neck and armpit). I was tested positive for H. Pylori with UBT. However I never had any stomach pain or any problems with my stomach, gut etc. Russian doctor insisted that I do have endoscopy and I agreed. During the endoscopy I did not feel any pain and the result of the endoscopy is chronic gastroduodenitis, mild.
The same day after endoscopy I started to feel pain and pressure in my stomach and chest pain and it continued for a week, Russian GI doctor gave me PPI and said my stomach is a bit irritated after the endoscopy and in a few days it will calm down. I felt better in 4-5 days, however it did not last long and despite PPI (nexium) symptoms got worse. After two weeks I had to go back to Canada and my symptoms got even worse. I was on PPI for 2 more weeks with no improvement. Doctor in Canada did blood work, ultrasound and xray and all seems ok. I was put on Sucralfate and it seemed to help a bit but not too much. Now it is 2 months and I am still in a lot of pain, mainly pain the the stomach and on the right side under ribs.
GI doctor sent me to redo H.Pylori test. None seems to know what is going on.
I am wondering if I could get some infection from the scope (not sure how well they disinfect it) or could the scope irritate the stomach and make H. Pylori worse?
I am very allergic to penicillin and usually having a lot of side effects from antibiotics. I assume if H.Pylori comes positive (and I think it will since I was already tested positive in Sept) next step my GI will give me triple therapy to do. I am just wondering if this is actually cause of my pain since before the endoscopy I had no pain, heartburn and now I am completely sick with no improvement. I am very scared..

If you have any thoughts about this unusual situation, any ideas. I saw 2 GI specialist and my family doctor and so far they thought I maybe have bile coming into the stomach, but no explanation for the pain on the right side under ribs. GI doctors were not advising for another endoscopy yet.

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Re: Stomach pain after endoscopy (H.Pylori positive)

Post by Helico_expert »

It is weird to have those pains after endoscopy. But, if your local doctor has done all the test, you should be in safe hands. I would point finger to easy solution first. eg. pointing fingers at H. pylori. Let's get rid of H. pylori and perhaps other bacteria (via the triple therapy). Hopefully that will improve your current status.

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Re: Stomach pain after endoscopy (H.Pylori positive)

Post by JannaB »


Thank you very much for the reply! Unfortunately my case seems to be really uncommon, I found few people on the internet mentioning pains after endoscopy but most people get better really soon. I will have H. Pylori test soon and see how it goes. I am allergic to penicillin and I am wondering how effective the triple therapy with non-penicillin antibiotics?
Thank you again!

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Re: Stomach pain after endoscopy (H.Pylori positive)

Post by Helico_expert »

The non-penicillin triple therapy should be relatively effective, depending on the country you are in. Or to be more specific, how much antibiotics were you exposed previously. If you dont normally get expose to antibiotics, then the likelyhood of resistance is low and the triple therapy should work effectively.

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Re: Stomach pain after endoscopy (H.Pylori positive)

Post by JannaB »

Thank you very much for the information!

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Re: Stomach pain after endoscopy (H.Pylori positive)

Post by lexy-t »

hi i’m just wondering how you feel now? it’s 3 days after my endoscopy and i’m having stomach chest and back pain and am really scared.

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Re: Stomach pain after endoscopy (H.Pylori positive)

Post by Helico_expert »

If you have any concern after endoscopy, you should give your doctor a call. It's usually safe.

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