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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Help!!! Specks of blood in phlegm

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Help!!! Specks of blood in phlegm

Post by wikked_joni »

I am so glad I found this site as it has so much useful information. I was wondering though if someone could help me with a question. I tested positive for h pylori through both the blood and breathe test just this friday. I began treatment yesterday but i noticed a few days before i even tested, and it continues, i will cough up a bit of phlegm with bright blood in it. Not a lot but enough to worry. You can see bright specs all over the phlegm, Is this a symptom? I don't have an appt. with my dr. for a week and i am scared that it might be an ulcer or something else. I did notice both times a corralation between deep stomach pain accompanied by "nervous stomach" and the blood in phlegm. Thanks all! :!:

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Re: Help!!! Specks of blood in phlegm

Post by barjammar »

The blood in the phlegm could be just from coughing - lets hope so. If it is an infection in the lungs (bronchitis) then Hp antibiotic treatment should really hammer the chest germs as well as the stomach germs. However, ask your own doctor about it - depending on your age and smoking habits it could be serious or not. Sometimes acid regurgitation causes symptoms in the upper airways - cough and even asthma. :?
Check the link below for information on hard-to-treat cases. Then search the forums for questions and answers similar to yours.

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Re: Help!!! Specks of blood in phlegm

Post by Cranky-9 »

You may just have a upper respiratory infection (aka. the common cold virus), that's what it sounds like by your symptoms. You can't really do anything for it except wait it out, and treat your symptoms as best you can. Try taking dayquil/nyquil for that, maybe some benadryl at night, over-the-counter cough syrup (any kind will work as long as it's for coughing and congestion), and acetaminophen if you have a fever. The reason for the blood is probably because of I flight systems you coughing too hard/very often. It is pretty normal, but if it continues, go to the doctor. although it may be hard, try not to cough as hard and see if it clears up. If if doesn't go away in about 3 or 4 days, see your doctor, they may can give you something stronger for your coughing.

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