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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Hp and my IBS

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Hp and my IBS

Post by Philthebeard »

Hi - first visit to this site and thanks for a great set of info.

I have had IBS since 1985. I regularly have 4 to 6 bowel movements per day with little control and especially in the morning - 4 before midday is not uncommon. I get through life by using Immodium to give a little more control and Codeine Phosphate if I have to do something like fly or have an interview ... it seems to be able to reduce the otherwise incontrolable spasms. I have tried every pill, potion and treatment including acupuncture, but nothing really works - just stay off the coffee, spicy food and alcohol and get on with life. I have had several colonoscopies, and everything looks fine - no lumps or bumps....

As a 48 year old male, I recently decided to have a routine check. Everything was fine except the diagnosis of Hp. I had never heard of it before and this was the first time it was ever tested for. I talked to my doctor and she has prescribed the triple treatment just as your website suggests. I am 4 days into the treatment and a) my continual acid reflux has stopped completley ( I used to chew down famotadine and antacids all day ) and my bowel movement is greatly improved - only once or twice per day and a complete change to a normal consistancy.

Is it possible that Hp has been causing my IBS for all of these years, and is such a dramatic improvement really possible or is something else happening ?

I note that at this time of year I get hayfever and take an anti-hystamine, maybe this is reducing my intolorance to some foods ???

I look forward to your views. I am praying this is the miracle cure I have always dreamed of !


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Re: Hp and my IBS

Post by barjammar »

The cause of IBS is unknown so it is important to be 100% certain that your Hp is cured. On average, about 50% of people with non-specific GI symptoms will be cured or greatly improved after eradication of Hp. You may have had it all you life. 8-)
Check the link below for information on hard-to-treat cases. Then search the forums for questions and answers similar to yours.

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