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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Is it normal for symptoms to get worse during treatment?

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Is it normal for symptoms to get worse during treatment?

Post by thunderseed »

I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section, I just joined to get some more information because I no longer have a naturopath. My symptoms are getting so bad that I'm in a lot of discomfort and pain while taking the remedies to kill of the H Pylori and Candida. I'm wondering if this is normal and if I should go ahead and keep doing it, or if I should stop and get a second opinion from another naturopath.

First, I guess I'll write about my H Pylori history so you can better understand my situation:

In general, I have history of an eating disorder (anorexia and bulimia with laxative abuse for 13 years) and ever since recovery (for about 3 years) my digestive system has given me grief. Now I am at a healthy weight, I'm a health nut, I eat healthy, I eat organic, I don't use any chemicals in my lifestyle, I work out, and I'm 27 years old, but no matter how healthy I am I always have abdominal pain and constipation. Metamucil was helping me for awhile until it stopped working, but when I was able to have frequent bowel movements quite a bit of my bloating and intestinal pain went away. But I've literally tried every constipation remedy and it doesn't work long term for me, and sometimes it even makes it worse.

About a year ago my doctor diagnosed me with H Pylori, and at the time I also had pretty bad intestinal pain, acid reflux and abdominal distention, and a few times I have had symptoms of an ulcer (which was never looked into) but she blamed the H. pylori and put me on a program of taking oregon grape capsules, cabbage juice and a few other things to kill it off. We are against antibiotics because they are unhealthy and also kill off all the good bacterias.
My symptoms worsened in these terrible phases where I went through extreme bouts of what seemed like Food Poisoning. My naturopath said my symptoms were exactly like poisoning, they did not match H. Pylori or an ulcer at all and it really weirded her out and she had no idea what was going on. But it seemed like there was something in my body that was poisoning me, not something I was eating. It tasted like the contents of my stomach had become poisonous and then my body would expell it all in whatever way possible until there was nothing left in my body and then I would feel great, but unfortunately no matter what I ate for days would cause the same reaction, until she gave me the homeopathic remedy Arsenica, which only works if you have vomitting and direah caused by poisoning, and it did work for me. So my naturopath took me off the H Pylori plan, and was going to look into other causes but then she quit and moved away.

About a week or so ago, I again started H pylori treatment on my own based on what my first naturopath told me to do but my symptoms are much worse now and have been ever since the first day of taking them. I have acid reflux all the time, my intestinal pain and bloating has increased and my contipation is worse.

This time I am trying to tackle Candida (which I apparently also have) and H Pylori at the same time because I am getting fed up with my constant bloating and intestinal pain.

Here's a list of all the natural medicine I'm currently taking:

To kill the H Pylori, Candida and any other bad bacterias in my body I am taking Oregon Grape, Garlic Capsules and Mastic Gum twice a day.
I'm taking probiotics twice daily to introduce good bacterias.
I'm also taking magnesium liquid, vitamin c powder and Unda 6 for constipation - still doesn't seem to be working much.
I take DGL and Limonin E for heart burn and acid reflux but also doesn't seem to be working, the only thing that ever does is drinking a warm glass of milk.
I'm also taking NAC+ to support my lungs, because in the last couple of days we had smoke haze move in, the smoke seems to be gone now but this supplement seems like it's meant for removing free radical damage everywhere in the body, not just the lungs, so I'll continue taking it as I read somewhere that healing free radical damage is also important for getting rid of H Pylori.

I'm also drinking some clay, which apparently helps bind all the dead h. pylori and yeast and remove it from the body. I don't drink lots of it because apparently it can make constipation even worse.

I am taking Fish Oil capsules and sometimes natural pain remedies like willow bark or traumeel, because I also have an unexplained tailbone injury, which I've had for 2 years now (which may be making my constipation worse, or may be related to my digestive problems - I have noticed the tailbone pain increases when I'm constipated and vice versa.)

It may be unrelated but I've also started juicing veggies and fruits in the morning (which I know has caused pain for me in the past so maybe it's not a good idea but I felt like I should be getting more vitamins and natural antioxidants in my diet and cleansing things naturally) I always juice a carrot, beet, apple, and some greens and add in olive oil, and I know the carrot and beet are really good for cleansing the liver and whatnot.

On the side I'm doing everything I can to be healthy in general, drinking plenty of water, dry skin brushing to cleanse, epsom salt baths, yoga, stretching, deep tissue massage and I never use chemical products on my skin and I'm even currently learning Accupressure so I can treat myself (I've used accupoints before with good results for other things so I'm hopeful it will help my digestion issues too.)

It's been hotter out than usual, so maybe the increase in acne is due to increase in sweating, but I also broke out in excema for a day while taking all these things and I've had bouts of feeling really groggy, like I'm moving in slow motion and waking up congested. I've had these symptoms before on harsh detoxes but am not sure if it should be normal with the H Pylori remedies. I have a history of being very sensitive to natural medicines though.
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Re: Is it normal for symptoms to get worse during treatment?

Post by Helico_expert »

Hi, thanks for sharing your story. I have not seen or heard any natural product that can eradicate H. pylori in the stomach. So, I will be interested to see if your way works. So why not get another breath test to see if your H. pylori still there?

i the worst case scenario, your H. pylori is still there, perhaps you should try using antibiotics for just 10-14 days. Yes they kill off your good bacteria too. but i think your naturopath will then be very useful to help recover your good bacteria.
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