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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Lyme like illness

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Moderator: barjammar

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Lyme like illness

Post by Camoo »

Dear Professor Marshall & team,

I heard Professor Marshall speak on 720 radio recently & found the interview both entertaining & extremely interesting, thankyou.

I am curious as to wether your department has conducted any research into the existence of a Lyme like illness in Australia or has plans to in the near future?

I am one of many Australians who after many years of illness & increasingly poor health had bloods sent to German lab Infectolab for analysis & also to N.S.W Biologics & both returned positive results for the bacteria Borrelia Burgdorferi (amongst others) in both blood & urine. This was two years ago after an initial illness 17 years ago.

It is clear that the existence of a Lyme like illness in Australia is highly contentious. What they call an illness like mine isn't at the top of my 'worry' list, living well with it and treating it effectively is. I may have been infected overseas but I strongly suspect it was right here in Western Australia. I am extremely concerned about the fact that there are many people like myself who are struggling to find diagnosis & effective treatment in our home country for what is a debilitating illness. I live with it every day while politicians & medical hierarchy argue over it's existence.

It is difficult to keep this brief but I am trying. I do not know your stance on this issue or even if you have one but I figure that if you talked 'Astronomy to the Caveman' all those years ago regarding Helicobacter that perhaps Borellia & it's possible effects may spike your interest. There are a lot of us struggling to find answers & most importantly are desperate for help.

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Re: Lyme like illness

Post by barjammar »

Regards Lyme: The ability to pull out PCR DNA fragments from a biological sample is not necessarily proof that the germ exists. Bacteria swap bits of DNA around so a piece could resemble a Lyme DNA yet Lyme might not be present. Similarly, antibodies which show up against Lyme could actually be just cross reacting with Lyme and actually be for something harmless.
However: There is no doubt that infectious agents exist which are not in our current repertoire of accurate tests. It is also likely, since Australia is covered in Kangaroo ticks, that some of these ticks carry diseases like Lyme etc. There are some people looking for evidence of such diseases.
Advice: Have someone save or bank a serum sample from you that can be examined in the future. Try a solid course of antibiotics. Maybe doxycycline. Do some web research to see what you can find about "blind" antibiotic therapy. I sometimes do it but don't have time or resources just now.
Check the link below for information on hard-to-treat cases. Then search the forums for questions and answers similar to yours.

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Joined: Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:56 pm

Re: Lyme like illness

Post by Camoo »

Thanks for the reply, still digesting the info. I am on antibiotic therapy but will look up 'blind' antibiotic therapy as suggested. :)

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