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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Here are 7 amazing advantages of alternative medicine

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Here are 7 amazing advantages of alternative medicine

Post by jamesgreen »

In the past, alternative medicine has been written off as being a kind of hoax or laugh, but today's research has proven that this is not the case. There are many advantages that alternative medicine has over mainstream medicine. Health care professionals are even starting to see this more and more. Here are 7 amazing advantages that alternative medicine has to offer:

Reason #1 Alternative medicine is meant to treat the cause of the issue, not just the symptoms that the issue causes. Instead of treating the headache pain, for example, alternative medicine works to see what causes the headache in the first place. Alternative medicine works to understand and treat the disease to find the root of the problem

Reason #2 It improves the quality of life. When we get prescription drugs from our physician we might get some temporary relief, but that is all it is. Temporary. Alternative medicine works to fix the problem so the issue is addressed and corrected.

Reason #3 In the wider spectrum of things, alternative medicine is considered to be a safe option, unlike mainstream medicine. Natural remedies are used to correct problems with alternative medicine. Mainstream often uses man-made, unnatural substances that can negatively affect your body.

Reason #4 A.M. doesn't have negative side effects. Mainstream medicine generally is prescribed, but with a warning of other harmful side effects that can come from taking it. You don't find that with alternative medicine. Natural medicine is known for being gentler on the body, and does not have the large amount of possible side effects that you see on a mainstream prescription pillbox.

Reason #5 It's more flexible, which allows flexibility in treatment options and plans. Many medical professionals take in to account their patient's lifestyle when planning treatment. You don't find this often with mainstream medicine.

Reason #6 It looks at the big picture. They care about your overall health, not just the physical aspects of your body. Nutrition, meditation and relaxation techniques are just a few other options that they adapt in to their treatment plans.

Reason #7 Prescription pills have gained a bad rap because of the dependency that patients start to have on them. Using alternative medicine is a much safer option.

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Re: Here are 7 amazing advantages of alternative medicine

Post by Helico_expert »

The reason this post is not deleted is because it is not promoting any particular alternative medicine. So I think it's probably worth discussing.

The listed advantages sound too good to be true. But the it is important also to know that no matter how good these alternative medicines are, none has shown able to kill H. pylori in vivo (inside human body).

Readers should know that at current stage, antibiotic cocktail is still the only way to effectively eradicating H. pylori. With the careful follow up test, "re-infection" will almost be impossible.

I personally think that, at the moment, in H. pylori infection case, alternative medicine is probably only good after antibiotic treatment. Perhaps to repopulate the healthy normal flora in the guts.

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