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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

HPylori eradication='silver bullet' / end of gastric problems?

The various unpleasant manifestations of Helicobacter can be described here. Remember however that the great majority of persons with Hp have no symptoms that they are aware of and consider themselves normal.

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HPylori eradication='silver bullet' / end of gastric problems?

Post by Atrix »

First off, I tremendously grateful for having this forum, where experts help people in their struggle against this stomach bug. The site and forum name correctly suggests that this is all about H.Pyolri and hence, it is understandable that the focus is mainly on eradication of Hpylori.. But does a successful eradication always mean the end of suffering and symptoms? Because this is what we all ultimately want, right?
My personal experience and some research produce a mixed outcome. At least concerning the cases of so-called non-ulcer dyspepsia. Certainly it reduces the gravity of symptoms and the chances of getting cancer, but as for symptoms / stomach inflammation, not to speak about the possible GERD issues, the eradication doesn't guarantee 100% a happy ending. So, my point is, that here, on the side of experts, I would have preferred here promoting more awarness that hpylori might just be a part of equation for the causes of suffering. People need to know that eradication would be just one stage of adressing their stomach troubles, although an important one. Diet, stress, alcohol & tobacco, autoimmunity issues, various malignant viruses and bacteria, heredity after all.. On the forum, there are numerous people asking: I eradicated hpyolri.. why I am still symptomatic?? My message would be: yes, go for eradication.. but don't anticipate that it would totally and quickly cure your symptoms.. It might.. But be prepared for a long-term fight and be ready to address your lifestyle issues as well..

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Re: HPylori eradication='silver bullet' / end of gastric problems?

Post by Helico_expert »

I agree. The later you get rid of H. pylori, the deeper the seed is planted.
Once you have H. pylori eradicated, your risk is stopped there, not reduced.
Not everyone will develop cancer with H. pylori, but the earlier you have H. pylori eradicated, your risk of developing gastric cancer will be way lower than without HP eradication.

We are still not sure how to identify this "seed". Not sure who is more likely to develop cancer. Not sure how to reverse intestinal metaplasia. Plenty of research can still be done.

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Re: HPylori eradication='silver bullet' / end of gastric problems?

Post by tunesx9 »

Well said , hpylori is not the pure devil , it may even protect u , since the eradication of hpylori , gi issues went on the rise , ibs and autoimmune gi diseases are rising , allergies are rising , a gi doctor who prescribe antibiotics and tell his patient to eat whatever he likes is pure wrong .... lets get to real question why your immune system us reacting to hpylori leading to inflammation ? Even cag and vac virulent species of hpylori can be found in healthy people with no problem , gastritis is on a histological diagnosis , u can finf healthy people with activ gastritis with no problems and sick people with perfect gi tract yet complaining, i would say hpylori is 20 % of the equation , genetics , herdity , host immunity are extremely important , with all this said peptic ulcers and at risk patient should eradicate it and confirm it at least once .... diet is key for the after eradication

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