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Some useful guides
How to post in the forum?
Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
The 5th Chinese Helicobacter treatment consensus
How long should I wait before doing follow up breath/stool test?

If you are confirmed with H. pylori, in your convenient time, please help us with the symptoms survey that you are experiencing.
Symptoms survey
(contributed by frostyfeet)

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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

My experience.

The various unpleasant manifestations of Helicobacter can be described here. Remember however that the great majority of persons with Hp have no symptoms that they are aware of and consider themselves normal.

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My experience.

Post by Mattb94 »

New to this forum, would love some help if possible.

For the past month I've been having a bit of a bad time. It began with a bloated feeling, feeling full and generally lacking in appetite. I had a few loose stools around this time. A few days later I awoke with a complete feeling of tightness around my stomach and intestines and feeling pretty sick. No matter how I laid, I could not get comfortable. The days that followed I was up and down, stomach still felt very sensitive, but managed to eat small amounts. This has generally persisted over the past month, symptoms including-

-Persistent burping, without even eating food. Sometimes it is worsened after drinking tea or acidic foods.
-Tight (sometimes painful) feeling in stomach and intestines, at times with stomach gurgling
-lack of appetite
-tiredness, weakness
-gas and trapped wind
-A few toilet issues, constipation (due to lack of eating potentially), diarrhea has only occurred once or twice after stupidly deciding to eat some fried mozzarella sticks.
-asthma symptoms (I am asthmatic, feel like this has exacerbated it)
-general aches

I have been to the doctors, who gave me a general physical, requested a stool sample to check for h pylori. First came back negative, however I had been taking nexium a week and a half before which may have altered the result. I have since submitted a second sample, which I am waiting for the result for.

For some context, I am a 24 year old male from the UK. I only really started having issues with acid reflux after going to university 5 years ago. My thoughts are that I may have picked something like h pylori up whilst there, as sharing bottles and glasses is common practice at universities. Is it possible to only have mild symptoms for a period but have 'flare ups'?
Obviously this is all conjecture. I am a ball of stress at the moment, I've literally become housebound because of how much this experience is affecting me. I have a wife that I want to be there for but I'm a little useless at that at the moment. I apologise for the long post, I just wanted to vent at what my doctor believes this may be. Thank you.

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Re: My experience.

Post by Helico_expert »

perhaps you should get a blood test. a negative blood test would mean you never had H. pylori, at least since the last few months.

a positive blood test result would mean you had been exposed before and further confirmation test needed.

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Re: My experience.

Post by thomas.shillingford »

U need to do a breath test i have done stool samples and blood before and been negative....breath test is more accurate i found i was posotive

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