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Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
The 5th Chinese Helicobacter treatment consensus
How long should I wait before doing follow up breath/stool test?

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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Groin and testicular pain

The various unpleasant manifestations of Helicobacter can be described here. Remember however that the great majority of persons with Hp have no symptoms that they are aware of and consider themselves normal.

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Groin and testicular pain

Post by Rishi009 »


I will start with how all this h pylori thing started. My symptoms started in early July. I was having constant and nonstop nausea especially after drinking coffee and green tea. The nausea was accompanied with fever and diarrhea. I went to hospital and was diagnosed with rotavirus infection and was given 1 week meds. After one week symptoms were still not gone. I went again to hospital and was diagnosed with gastroenteritis and was given meds for that. Again meds did not worked. Symptoms became worse because I continued drinking coffee, green tea and eating junk food. One day i felt that food was stucked in my throat and eventually i forced myself to vomit. It was the biggest mistake. Since that day I started having acid reflux symptoms and fell very sick and started to think that I have something sinister. I went to a gastroenterologist and told me to do a endoscopy. I told hhim that I wanna do a colonoscopy just for peace of mind. After gastroscopy these were found:

-Acute gastritis
-bleeding point
-small hiatal hernia

I was then prescribed amoxicillin, clarithromycine and nexium, along with magnesium b6 and anxiety meds. I was also prescribed ppi for 1 months for my reflux.

I finished antibiotics 3 weeks ago but my symptoms are still here. The symptoms I have currently are nausea, burping, constipation, diarrhea, sore throat, stomach gurgling, weight loss.

However 7 days ago I started getting groin pain and testicular discomfort. My questions is can h pylori cause testicular and groin pain? Is it common to have symptoms like testicular discomfort and groin pain? I never had these symptoms before and i will only be able to meet my doctor next week.

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Re: Groin and testicular pain

Post by Helico_expert »

the pain in the stomach is due to damage done by H. pylori.
H. pylori may be gone, but the wound still need time to heal.
continue your PPI for 2 weeks, then switch to ranitidine for 2 weeks, then get a follow up breath test done. if your symptoms in the stomach is still there, then continue PPI for another 2 weeks.

H. pylori does not cause problem in the Groin. You might have other infection. Please talk to your doctor about it.

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Re: Groin and testicular pain

Post by Rishi009 »

Hello thanks for the reply. I have another question. How long after being infected with hp does symptoms start to appear? Does it take 5-7 days to cause damage after infection or years??? I spent 3 years in India and I started to feel sick after one month after returning back to my country.

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Re: Groin and testicular pain

Post by Helico_expert »

Usually people catch H. pylori when they are very young (2 yrs old).

It is very hard for adult to catch H. pylori. However, it is not impossible. Adult usually catch it from their partner via kissing or sharing food.

But I must stress that since H. pylori doesnt survive very well outside human body, the chance of catching it from contaminated food is very very rare.

When you are young, your repair mechanism is still strong and so usually young adults have no symptoms.

But when you are over 20s, you probably start getting stress from Universities or work, irregular dining time, sleep at late night, burning mid night oil, etc, your repair mechanism slows down and you can start feeling the symptoms.

When you are over 40s, then the accumulated damage through out the years can lead to intestinal metaplasia or atrophic gastritis.. which is early stage of cancer.

When you are over 50s, then your chance of gastric cancer increases every year.

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