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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Eradication and biopsy results with chronic gastritis

The various unpleasant manifestations of Helicobacter can be described here. Remember however that the great majority of persons with Hp have no symptoms that they are aware of and consider themselves normal.

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H.P porteur
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Joined: Fri Nov 05, 2010 6:46 am

Re: Eradication and biopsy results with chronic gastritis

Post by H.P porteur »

AlSi79 wrote:Hello experts,

Just to let you and someone reading this post to know that my 13C-UBT game back as negative. So it seems that my triple therapy worked even though I had taken Ermycin which I needed to stop after two days. My treatment was: Amox 1g. x2, Chlaritomycin 500mg. x2 + PPI x2 ("standard triple therapy").

Tests done after eradication:

I had histology done 3 weeks and 1 day after eradication therapy which game back negative.

The 13C-UBT was done 6 weeks + 6 days after eradication therapy and 2 weeks + 1 day (15 days) after last dosage of PPI which I took for 3 days because I needed to take NSAID when I had a flu.

Last question: Would you as an expert trust that I have got rid of this bug after these test results?

Thank you!
Dear Asli,

These doctors will waste your time and consume your energy and money. They failed me since 2009 until I took the matter into my own hand. Do not waste your time with your doctor if you are still tired and sick. They have been trained by big harma. Their books were written by this industry. Look up Dr Kalish. Try his method. It is NOT NORMAL TO HAVE CHRONIC FATIGUE. You know your body and you don't need an advice from a doctor who relies on useless blood tests. Do yourself a favor and look up what is wrong with you. H.pylori treatment is a protocol learned by all these MDs so if the treatment fails you they will never acknowledge that they don't know. Next thing they will do is to label you as a depressed person and give you antidepressants. So take control of your health please and seek an advice of a good functional medicine doctor like Dr Mark Hyman or Dr Kalish, not a quack who sees you in 5 minutes and throws at you a nice package drugs.

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Re: Eradication and biopsy results with chronic gastritis

Post by AlSi79 »

AlSi79 wrote:Hello experts,

Just to let you and someone reading this post to know that my 13C-UBT game back as negative. So it seems that my triple therapy worked even though I had taken Ermycin which I needed to stop after two days. My treatment was: Amox 1g. x2, Chlaritomycin 500mg. x2 + PPI x2 ("standard triple therapy").

Tests done after eradication:

I had histology done 3 weeks and 1 day after eradication therapy which game back negative.

The 13C-UBT was done 6 weeks + 6 days after eradication therapy and 2 weeks + 1 day (15 days) after last dosage of PPI which I took for 3 days because I needed to take NSAID when I had a flu.

Last question: Would you as an expert trust that I have got rid of this bug after these test results?

Thank you!
Experts: any comments? The cut-off value that the lab uses was below 4 for negative and my result was 0,14. This was after 6 weeks and 6 days of eradication and 2 weeks and 1 day after last dosage of PPI. Seems like true negative or am I mistaken?

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Re: Eradication and biopsy results with chronic gastritis

Post by Helico_expert »

Hi Alsi79,

i have responded your other post. but, your negative result here is proven by both histology and UBT. Both this tests have accuracy of over 90%. and in combination of these two tests, you are close to 100% sure that you are free of H. pylori.

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