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Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
The 5th Chinese Helicobacter treatment consensus
How long should I wait before doing follow up breath/stool test?

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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Newly Diagnosed-Need Help

The various unpleasant manifestations of Helicobacter can be described here. Remember however that the great majority of persons with Hp have no symptoms that they are aware of and consider themselves normal.

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Newly Diagnosed-Need Help

Post by Aklo_ »

I have been sick on and off for the past month. Extreme nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain right under my ribs, low grade fever and vomiting. They were usually isolated incidences that would start at night causing me to be awake all night and into the morning with symptoms and then would taper off as the day wore on. I'd be fine for two days and then get sick again, then fine for five days and get sick again. I was diagnosed last week with H. Pylori through a biopsy of my stomach lining and started on the triple round of antibiotics. Aside from mild side effects of the medication that I am able to control, I hadn't had a "flair up" for eight days. Today was day 7 of a 14 day treatment. I was awake all last night with horrible stomach pains unlike what I'd had before. These were much lower in the abdomen, more of a stabbing pain, and all over rather than in a localized spot. I thought it could be constipation due to the medicine, but it persisted all night just as other "flair ups" had. Then this morning I was hit with intense pain in between the bottom of my ribs and the most crippling nausea, I had to be sent home from my school placement because I couldn't even be in the room with kids. It has persisted all day along with frequent trips to the bathroom and constant stomach gurgling. Although I didn't actually get sick as that is what had happened previously, it was really no less debilitating and still kept me from my daily obligations.

I'm concerned that if H. Pylori was the cause of my constant illness that the medicine would have stopped a "flair up" after being on it for 7 days. I haven't had any heartburn or anything like that so I'm wondering if I don't just have the H. Pylori in my system and something else is causing me to become this sick. I'm currently trying to finish graduate school and have never had any problems like this before and this illness is really taking a toll on my being able to complete the program because of how often I am absent. I also don't know what to do with myself as the nausea has been so bad and the two Zofran I took this morning did nothing to help.

Has anyone continued to get sick while on medication to treat H. Pylori? Does anyone else seem to get a "flair up"? From everything I've read it seems most people have constant symptoms, some days are just worse than others. This is not the case for me. I am unsure of what to do because I feel like I'm starting to become fearful about getting sick because I just want to get better.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Re: Newly Diagnosed-Need Help

Post by Helico_expert »

it doesnt sound like typical H. pylori symptom. You probably need an endoscopy or colonoscopy check. talk to a specialist. if you have ulcer, you'll need a month or 2 PPI.

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Re: Newly Diagnosed-Need Help

Post by Dublingirl »

Hi, i recommend the quadruple therapy Dr Barry Marshells team recommend. I am currently into my 5th day of taking a 10 day treatment. Side affects vary but nothing too drastic. First 2 days had diarrhea and black stools. My local chemist told me to take electrolites to warden off being too fatigued due to water loss etc. Fixed that problem. I am fatigued but i put it down to the high level of drug in my body. Yes there are alot of tablets to take. But I am fully confident it will kill the bug. Dont hesitate. Make sure you have a good doctor and bring him the treatment plan recommended by Barry Marshalls team. Try to take a probiotic when you go to bed at night to replace the good bacteria lost. Hard to do but try! Eat smaller portions of food and most importantly. DRINK LOTS OF WATER. I find this is really cleansing. Its pretty full taking all these pills but I pray that it will rid me of this bad bacterial infection which has caused me nothing but grief. I finish next Friday. Only one more working week to go. I will do the breath test a month later to make sure the bug is gone. And a month after that I will retest again. Then I will focus on building a healthy immune and getting my digestive system back in order with healthy foods... lots of green vegges, natural yogurt, fruit salads, nuts and beans. Stay off the high fatty foods, mcdonalds, burger king, fish and chips etc. IT just aggrevates any IBS type systems. Eat healthy foods and drink lots of water. Hope you feel better soon.. :)

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Re: Newly Diagnosed-Need Help

Post by Romlar »

Poor person- you answered your own questions, yes this website is rarely attended by Drs. and lately buy people too. Some times Dr Marshal answers the letters- but it's rare! You do everything right- first of all- don't lose a hope- that you can completely get rid of this bacteria! 4-ple therapy is good, in couple of weeks- a month you will know if you are cured! My wish to you- don't get upset if you didn't get the wanted result. Many people live with the Hp, constantly suppressing it with certain food and herbs, it's managable ( this site is full of reccom.)! Good luck! Live your full life, do good!

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Re: Newly Diagnosed-Need Help

Post by Helico_expert »

many people carry H. pylori in their whole life. However, I believe it's a risk, especially to people who are greater than 60 years old and also people who has cancer background. I am sure with the right treatment, H. pylori can be eradicated. Yes, positive hope is very important. drink lots of water and have a balance diet.

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Re: Newly Diagnosed-Need Help

Post by ashulee »


yes, better get the stool test done or if possible go for colonoscopy to figure out if your stomach has been invaded by other bacteria which aggravated hpylori symptoms and get the treatment accordingly. it will definitely help.
in worse condition, people get affected with amoebiasis along with hp.

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Re: Newly Diagnosed-Need Help

Post by Helico_expert »

just a quick correction. colonoscopy goes in from behind. it will not reach stomach. to see stomach, you do gastro-endoscopy.

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