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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

H pylori, moderate gastritis

The various unpleasant manifestations of Helicobacter can be described here. Remember however that the great majority of persons with Hp have no symptoms that they are aware of and consider themselves normal.

Moderator: barjammar

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Re: H pylori, moderate gastritis

Post by sms08h »

I mean general discomfort and nausea. Sometimes I get really nauseous out of the blue and other times I feel much less nauseous. I don't and haven't had any diarrhea since treatment ended. Thank goodness :D
I'm a man so menstruation doesn't apply to me :lol:

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Re: H pylori, moderate gastritis

Post by sms08h »

Does gastritis cause symptoms that are similar to gastroparesis?

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Re: H pylori, moderate gastritis

Post by Helico_expert »

from my understanding, gastroparesis is the reduced ability to pass food down from stomach to intestine. Does gastritis has association to gastroparesis? There probably is, but I think the mechanism is unknown. I believe there will be cases where gastroparesis patients that do not have gastritis.

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Re: H pylori, moderate gastritis

Post by sms08h »

Does h pylori infection affect gastric motility?

Does stomach inflammation cause delayed gastric emptying?

Does the stomach return to normal motility after the infection and inflammation have cleared up?

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Re: H pylori, moderate gastritis

Post by sms08h »

For the Expert: I have found a lot of conflicting views on this and am not sure who's right. Is gastritis caused by h pylori a lifelong disease? Will it persist even though the infection is gone? I ask because some studies suggest that it is and I've seen on forums that some people will feel okay after eradication for years and then all of a sudden the burning and all the symptoms come back.
Thank you

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Re: H pylori, moderate gastritis

Post by Helico_expert »

as long as you are infected with H. pylori, then you'll have some degree of inflammation (or gastritis). The severity of the gastritis is depending on many factors including bacteria genetic makeup, host immune response (strong or weak), host genetic makeup, host diet, and other environment factors (maybe stress?).

H. pylori is a lifelong infection and so, if your gastritis is because of H. pylori, then your gastritis will be lifelong.

once H. pylori is eradicated, theoretically, gastritis will recover and stomach back to normal. Then again, the recovery is depending on the severity mentioned above. the greater the damage, the longer to heal.

I rare cases, If your gastritis is caused by other non-h. pylori, then clearly, even if you eradicated H. pylori, the gastritis will persist.

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Re: H pylori, moderate gastritis

Post by sms08h »

Thank you. Let me see if I've got this straight:
(I apologize for all the questions.)

The gastritis h pylori causes will not be lifelong as long as the bacteria is eradicated? and
Would the former patient have to be mindful of spicy foods, alcohol etc. for the rest of his/her life? If they were to fail to do so, would the gastritis come back?

Do you know of any cases where a patient's infection was successfully eradicated and then over time returned to a normal state with complete symptom resolution with no "flare-ups", complications, or regressions?

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Re: H pylori, moderate gastritis

Post by barjammar »

Hi, let me clarify for you (search my other recent posts as these are common questions):
The gastritis may never totally heal but remains in a "mild chronic" form. This is usually asymptomatic.
Taking all patients, in double blind trials, 7% are TOTALLY CURED and about 30% are substantially better. So-called NNT (number needed to treat) is estimated conservatively at 17 I recall. However patients in clinical trials of Hp are probably the tough cases (?like you) and normal General Practice patients are substantially better in 50% of cases (personal experience). The other 50% probably had something else going on (and the Hp was asymptomatic) or the Hp has caused some permanent damage.
BUT THE GOOD NEWS IS that further deterioration is unlikely once Hp has been cured. Also, in my experience, patients do gradually improve and stabilise so that clinical treatment failures are managing OK when interviewed 1, 2, 3 years later. In these circumstances just treat the symptoms. I doubt that diet makes much difference but I often suggest a LOW RESIDUE DIET if that has not been tried before. Also, have investigations for any persistent symptoms. Have an endoscopy after being off the acid blockers for at least 1 week so that the doctor can look at the stomach in its natural state. Also, consider measuring the gastric juice pH to make sure that acid is present (pH should be <2.0) and take a few random biopsies. Sometimes non-helicobacter gastritis (automimmune) can be picked up (but there is no treatment for it).
Check the link below for information on hard-to-treat cases. Then search the forums for questions and answers similar to yours.

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Re: H pylori, moderate gastritis

Post by sms08h »

Thank you both barjammer and helico_expert. You guys have been so informative and answered all my questions, which sadly is something I cannot repeat about all of my physicians.

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Re: H pylori, moderate gastritis

Post by andra93 »

Hi everyone!
I have just been diagnosed with moderate gastritis and HP via endoscopy. I was given the 7 days treatment. My problem is now that I also have bile reflux but the doctor just mentioned it like it was nothing. Then I searched the internet and it seems that bile reflux can also cause gastritis and nausea. Also there is pretty much o cure for it. I've read on a forum that bile reflux can be mechanically caused by the endoscopy but didn't find this anywhere else.

So my question is if endoscopy is really an accurate way to see if you have bile reflux. Please if an expert reads this tell me your opinnion. I've had nausea for 2 months and it's already affected my exams. I'm also about to start college so I really need to know.

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